10,000 Members!!!


That's right...Mazda Forums has broken the 10,000 Member mark!

First of all I want to thank Enry...you've donated so much time, money and effort in keeping this community alive...you've been a great partner and a true friend...I'm a lucky bastard that I met you...thanks man!

I also want to thank Kooldino and LinuxRacr...you guys have been on board since the beginning and you are some of the most stand up guys I know...Enry and I truly appreciate all the time and effort you put into this community...don't forget that!

There are other people I want to thank and more I want to say...but I'm a bit speechless at the moment...just when you've put your heart and soul into something for almost 3 years now...and to see it become what it is today...is truly something special.

I'll continue my thoughts a bit later...

** Special thanks goes out to Derrick for being there for the community since the beginning...you donated your time, money and effort to keep this site rolling...your contributions won't be forgotten!

I also want to thank Terry (aka Spoolin) who really brought not only his expertise to the forums and documented his build up of the 1st turbo MP3 on the board...but he's a super cool guy...the definition of a quality member!

Kat...well I honestly don't know you that well...but you've become a lot more active in recent times and I appreciate your time and effort...we should make an effort to communicate more...keep up the good work!

I know there are more people to thank...my mind is a bit crazy at the moment...more to come...**

w00t! Awesome! It seems like after we broke the 7K barrier, nothing has stopped us!
I love poop!

Seriously, GJ guys.(nana) (nana) (nana) (nana) (nana) (nana) (nana) (nana) (nana) (nana) (nana) (nana) (nana) (nana) (nana) (nana) (nana) (nana) (nana) (nana) (nana) (nana) (nana)
soon we will take over the world! mmwwaahahahaha!!

sorry, got a little carried away.
I think without this Forum, there wouldn't be much of an aftermarket for our Proteges. Great work everyone, and lets keep it up.
Awesome! I would definitely be at a loss whenever somebody asked me what my hobbies *cough* obsessions! *cough*cough* were. :D I've gotten loads of advice on my car, mods I would have never thought of (some exclusively on this board!), wasted obscene amounts of company time, and met a lot of really cool people. Kudos to everyone for making this board what it is today! :p

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