03 protege new awr rear mount, new side inserts, and new adjustable endlinks!!!

I bought these mounts a while back but got rid of the protege for a bigger family car and work vehicle. Rear mounts and inserts are brand new, never installed and come in the original box.


SIDE inserts?

other inserts (other side maybe?)

washer and zip ties from the package

Factory side mount in original plastic

factory front mount I believe?

End links are brand new and never installed as well. cant remember which are front and which are rear. they need whipped off which will be done before shipping.


prices are negotiable. make me some offers. I know what they are selling for recently on here so no low balls please!!

payments will be through paypal. Just pm me some offers or post them on here and ill get back to you as soon as I can!
Like 75 or 80. I remember they are right Around that. I remember they are supposed to be good for a daily driver with a decently built motor but not too hard to where they vibrate you to death. thats what i needed at the time.
First, thanks for clarifying the mounts. I figure that's what they were but didn't wanna seem like and idiot of I posted wrong. Hahaha.

Of you wanna shoot me a pm with an offer worst I can say is no. Unless you want a price for sure. Shipping will be 15 or less probably.
End links and rear mount are sold! Still have brand new side inserts, the used front mount. Would be good for a solid rubber one people use to make. And a brand new passenger side mount! Make me some offers. Need to get this stuff out of here!
End links and rear mount are sold! Still have brand new side inserts, the used front mount. Would be good for a solid rubber one people use to make. And a brand new passenger side mount! Make me some offers. Need to get this stuff out of here!

Parts will head out tomorrow or tuesday at the latest! sorry for the short delay. work out of town constantly anymore!

other parts are still available!!
Lmfao. You sent me a private message Carolina saying I did. I'm over here going through messages wondering who you are. Now I understand.

Now, the parts are going out today. Had a family emergency and had to leave town in a hurry so I didn't get them dropped off. I apologize for any inconvenience!