0* F and MSP doesn't mind

Try some silicone spray on the front sway bar bushings. Helped quiet mine down at 35 degree F temps. But when it snows, I just leave the MSP in the garage! Good thing it only snows once every 6 years here!!!
I noticed the noise from the front suspension as soon as the temp started getting near freezing. It goes away after the car is completely warmed up. Also the clutch is stiff, but it isnt any harder to get into gear.What I'm really getting annoyed with is the clunk. My dealer has the E bushings on order.
well, mine is different, its about 9degrees here in deep freeze PA, I get a strange knocking sound from the wheels when i start turning, and the suspension sqeaks a melancholy tune. My poor baby...lil worried...o well just a car, and i beat the piss out of it
If the squeaky squeaky clunk sound is bugging you, I have a fix. This works on the Kartboy urathane bushings too. Just take the bushings out (easier said than done) and rub paste wax all over them. Really slober it on. Reinstall and BAM! no more squeak. It's worked for about 2 months on my car now, and I'm in Ohio.

Ya, the cold snap is no fun with the MSP. Suspension crunches, transmission takes a while to warm up. Yesterday morning I turned on my car and I had a CD still in the player, the thing was playing at like 3/4 speed and sounded all screwy. Needless to say, I turned off the stereo until the interior had warmed up some.
i went to a car wash the other day cuz it was so cold( i know i know haha i shouldnt do that) and the wax froze on the car...haha
This "crunch" you guys are talking about ... lately, the past few days, its been really cold out. When I go to back my MSP out of my parking spot, as I turn the wheel, the whole front of the car shakes and almost like ... "slips" is the best word i can think of to describe it. The wheel pulls a little bit, once every other second. Its REALLY disconcerting, very ****** up feeling. It seems to go away almost right away ... is that what you guys are talking about? Maybe I'll take it back to the dealer next week ... there are updated bushings?
hmm, weird.......
my car has been starting well, i could shift right from the start, and i dont get any crunches in my suspension.......

oh, and it was 79F today :D ..........i love Cali
Mine crunches like mad in this weather, even with the car warmed- its just too cold. I have the new bushings in the back. This is from the front. I may jack the thing up and hit the bushings up front with some silicone spray when it gets north of 0* again.

I wonder if this will cause premature wear on the bushings?

To clarify, this only happens when its really cold- well below 32*

No fuel cut tonite even at -5*, however.
Get the bushing updates done. I live in Vermont and it has been around -30F every day this week and I have no noise in the front and no clunk in the back.
Are the bushings you had replaced up front replaced with the same part as in the back? (I want to make sure I know exactly what to tell the dealer) This crunch up front is gettin annoying, especially with 80 miles over bumpy mountain roads every day.