Cougar Ace: The Great $103 Million Snafu at Sea

not really

even if 99.99999% of the cars that were completely fine after all this worked except for one car which blew up due to some random stress crack not visible to the naked eyes...then suddenly the other 99.99999% of the people who bought these cars that were 'fine' to the naked eye would be suing mazda for putting their lives in possible danger

same goes for any and all parts on the car that could possibly be resold later, down to lugnuts lol

this article almost got me in tears at those images ='(

You repeated almost exactly what I wrote, except mine was shorter...hehe.
lol, I know

it was 7 a.m. and I was still awake (yes, still awake when most are waking up lol) and I felt it needed to be repeated =P
that did cross my mind. but its sold by the failblog people, and i dont think most people know the aftermath of the cougar ace story as much as im sure they just found the pic in some article and made a tshirt out of it. still brought a giggle when i first saw it