Help with posting pics

2014.5 CX-5 GS FWD 2.5L
I'm having issues with posting a pic and not sure if I'm doing something wrong, or maybe I'm not allowed???
In the "manage attachment" tab, a few pics get downloaded to the top box (add files), and then the pic gets dragged down to the part 2 and everything looks ok. But when I post the thread, the pic does not show up. It's displayed as a link, as shown below. Can someone advise???


  • IMG_1553.JPG
    248 KB · Views: 200
Use a site like photobucket to host the picture. Then use the BBC code tag it gives you. Also, you can use the Tapatalk app to upload pictures directly from your phone.
Click on third icon from the right that says "Insert Image" when you put your mouse on it.
You have to host the pictures somewhere else. I use

Apparently, one can use this site's attachments to post a pic. Here is yours.
Probably not meant to work that way.
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Interesting. I can use "advanced" to attach a picture as a file, post, then edit post to use attachment link as a pic. No need to use 3d party site. Looks like 800 wide is maximum pic size. Hmmmm.
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cool, i'm older than 12, so not exactly the quickest with this computer techy stuff.. I tried photobucket and it worked with the "image".
thanks for the help