WTB MGM Front bumper

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lol man i think we are all plagued with the issue, my BM isn't holding up very well either.

I know its not MGM but you can have it painted... i'll take $200

naw i am looking for one that isn't bent/scratched above and beyond the rock chips and what not that we all get...

you and me both man! My hood hasn't escaped either. I'm gonna wait another winter

yeah my hood got molested by some detailer last week when he tried to do some touch up paint...
i am thinking about replacing the hood all together!
can you paint carbon fiber hoods?(beer)
Not sure if you can't paint it. They're digging up 128 and 93 and I'm getting sandblasted so bad. One rock hit my windshield so hard it left a divot. The paint is not holding up.
yo where you located? i actually have an extra mgm front bumper sittin in my parents garage. i got a new one cuz some lady backed up into me. its not cracked or anything just got a couple a scratches on the passenger side. i'll see if i can take a pic of it next time i stop by there.
yo where you located? i actually have an extra mgm front bumper sittin in my parents garage. i got a new one cuz some lady backed up into me. its not cracked or anything just got a couple a scratches on the passenger side. i'll see if i can take a pic of it next time i stop by there.

how much would you want for this? my friend got into an accident in his '08 madza3 sedan...would this fit? shoot me a PM if you still have it for sale. thanks in advance!
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