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96 nissan 200SX SE-R
wagonwhatp5 has screwed myself and another member on the forums in the fs section.that is $200 that he rcieved and did not send the product.is he a nepoc member?if not does he live in your area?can you guys "motivate" him to send what he sold?thanks.
chris said:
wagonwhatp5 has screwed myself and another member on the forums in the fs section.that is $200 that he rcieved and did not send the product.is he a nepoc member?if not does he live in your area?can you guys "motivate" him to send what he sold?thanks.

he should be making some posts soon....i'll see him sunday at F1 so we can remind him again if he hasn't posted by then...greg will come through(thumb)
You haven't told us all the facts, so before you start blasting him, you better come correct. I've bought some stuff off greg and he's a decent guy. Be factual. if you start with the "he's a dick" crap, you can handle it yourself.

What did you buy and when? did he give you a shipping date? have you tried emailig him?

chris said:
wagonwhatp5 has screwed myself and another member on the forums in the fs section.that is $200 that he rcieved and did not send the product.is he a nepoc member?if not does he live in your area?can you guys "motivate" him to send what he sold?thanks.
ok. you have a good point. I bought some sideskirts from him($100shipped) and he told me they shipped on the 23rd.he also said that he would get back with me about a tracking number.since then i have left him 3 pms and he has yet replied, and i still have no sideskirts.its not the fact that i have not gotten them yet,it is because he has not givin me a reason, and has not replied for s***.23rd november to 9th december, from ma to nc.it aint right.I will link you to his sale thread.another posted there of payin him $100 and not hearing from him in three weeks!this is the second time this has happend to me.I paid $560.00 for a IM from essential speed before i knew they dont send there product and now here it is a year and a half and$560 short and no mani.you would be pissed too!here is the link to his thread.see what the other guy had to say.http://www.msprotege.com/forum/showthread.php?t=123616216&page=2&pp=15

=SlowPro98]You haven't told us all the facts, so before you start blasting him, you better come correct. I've bought some stuff off greg and he's a decent guy. Be factual. if you start with the "he's a dick" crap, you can handle it yourself.

What did you buy and when? did he give you a shipping date? have you tried emailig him?[/QUOTE]
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also, even if he scammed you or perhaps a transaction screw-up, isn't it a bit hasty to ask people to go "motivate" him, if i caught your meaning right....?
<TABLE class=tborder cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" align=center border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=top><TD class=alt2 width=175>wagonwhatmp5<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> vbmenu_register("postmenu_", true); </SCRIPT>

<!-- 15 --><!-- 20 -->Potential Scammer!
<!-- 11 --><!-- user title -->SHOWtege 5 b****


Car: 02.5 mp5
Join Date: Aug 2004
Location: chicopee,Ma
Posts: 559

</TD><TD class=alt1><!-- icon and title -->Re: skirts

<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->sorry man jst got hte pc up and runnign again but yeah i sent em out yesterday so illjhave the trackin # to u in the next day or 2

this is the last message i got from him. It was on november 24th.
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I would gladly "motivate" somebody that did this from NC.untill he proves otherwize...he is a scammer.if he does prove otherwize,then he will recieve my deepest apologies.(thumb)
can we post in the title of the for sale section to not do business with people from springfield MA? boosted orange went through this same s*** of selling people things and not shipping out the items until he was harrassed and made a "potential scammer" on the forums. greg is a good guy and im sure this will be settled but this is still horse s***, i would be pissed off too if i bought stuff and it wasnt shipped to me when it was supposed to be. And this isnt an isolated incident...see scott in this thread:


btw chris, tell your CME founder baby chris to get on him...he knows him and will be back up for christmas i think.
I might try to do that.I forgot that chris(neversober) was going home.thanks .
slug420 said:
can we post in the title of the for sale section to not do business with people from springfield MA? boosted orange went through this same s*** of selling people things and not shipping out the items until he was harrassed and made a "potential scammer" on the forums. greg is a good guy and im sure this will be settled but this is still horse s***, i would be pissed off too if i bought stuff and it wasnt shipped to me when it was supposed to be. And this isnt an isolated incident...see scott in this thread:


btw chris, tell your CME founder baby chris to get on him...he knows him and will be back up for christmas i think.
we've seen this before...someone wants to sell stuff, lists things for sale, takes the money and than sits on it like it's no big deal....i don't think he's forgot...i think he's got his priorities screwed up and he doesn't understand how this type of thing messes up you rep and that of those you associate with (NEPOC)....i'll see him tomorrow..well maybe i will...maybe he won't show to F1 and i'll be out some cash too!! let's give him the benefit of the doubt right now and see if he can make this right....and soon!
Pipe down sparkles, I'll call greg tomorrow. Next time, try asking one of us before you start crying.
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sparkles...hahaha....by the way...he didn't show sunday...(shrug) i sent him a pm though...
call me what you want dude.I wasnt cryin, I was tryin to solve this.I contacted the FS moderators,then nepoc,then sent him another pm.I think that my bitching rights are valid.you would be pissed too!
Here are my facts:

I posted a WTB thread for mirrors, he replied with an offer and I saw his for sale thread with images.

After a price was agreed on, a M.O. was sent on 11/18. I sent PM's on 11/22, 11/30, and 12/4 will NO reply. I contacted a moderator to get e-mail information with no luck. I then contacted someone on 12/9 from another thread that said they knew him. I guess they got in touch with him because he posted later that day.

sorry scott im hopin to send out the mirrors today if i can dig myself outa the sno if not today deff tomara man and again im sorry

I guess they didn't ship on 12/9 or 12/10. No PM's, no e-mail, nothing. He was on today at 7:16am, a simple "Your parts did/did not ship over the weekend..." would have taken 2 minutes.

Even if he comes through, I wouldn't consider him a 'decent' or 'stand up' guy. Decent guys don't hold payments until they feel like sending items or make their buyers hunt down people that know them to make contact.

Thanks to those that have helped trying to get this resolved.


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