Rear wheel hop? WTF


Mazda, Protege 5
So I had an issue with a rear driver side caliper leaking and the Racing beat sway bar bracket snapping also on the drivers side.

There was a heavy vibration in the car, when I changed the caliper/rotor it was much better. Yesterday I took the sway bar out as a whole the vibration is 20% of what it initally was.

Couple weeks back when it was really bad my friends were driving beside me and told me the rear drivers side wheel was hopping at around 100km/h (canadian eh!)

It still vibrates a bit wanted to ask if n e one has had similar problems. The bolts are all torqued on properly and the air is at 32psi as per the sidewall of the tire.
Maybe a back bearing going bad or your wheel is seriously out of balance? Have you explored either of those possibilities?
I had the wheels balanced about 3 weeks ago, however I will inpsect to see if the wieght fell off as well might as well start with the cheapest solution.

I am considering just swaping the whole suspension set up from my parts car into this one.
When you say "hopping" I assume you mean up and down, as opposed to in and out which would look more like wobble, correct?

Usually "hopping" is a sign of toasted struts, without the strut, the spring just does springy things. It's the job of the strut to control the speed of the springs compression and rebound motions and without it, it just goes hopping about. Which would make sense that you snapped your sway bar as it was doing more work in one highway trip to work than it would have probably done within the entirety of it's life.

What's your suspension setup? The stiffer the spring the worse the vibration will be.
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They came with the car. I wouldnt buy 2nd hand struts. I ll replace em over the next couple of weeks.
Sorry, hopefully I didn't offend? That's just common practice around here for the HP Blues. Most struts are only good until 60k or so, and far less if paired with stiffer springs. Something like a koni yellow or any of your higher quality adjustable struts would fair better against stiffer springs.
No No not offended, I realize this is the interwebs and its damn near impossible to read body anguage or tone as on the phone or in person. Just not my style to buy used struts after doing some research on these. I dont track the car nor do I think its fast, I added lowering springs just for the ethetic values I feel they bring to the car. My last car I used Stock struts for a good while before they blew, then they did the car just sat lower lol I dont remeber any wheel hopping
When struts near their lifecyle they tend to allow the car to sag a bit and may make the ride feel a bit more "springy" which is what most consider blown. In my experience, once it gets to the point where the wheel is "hopping" the strut has lost any and all ability to control the spring, when you pull it out, it may be covered in road grime/fluid near the seal and most likely will be very easy to compress and not rebound at all.

Let us know how it turns out.

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