NEMOC Random BS Thread

That's good!

We're selling our condo, not sure I mentioned yet. Our tenant hinted toward buying when we sent her the new lease and we jumped on the opportunity. We ended up settling a little below where we wanted to be, but when you consider we don't have to pay a realtor, we don't have to have the condo sit empty while we try to sell, and we'll still be getting a little back from equity, I'm considering it a win. The value of our current home is way above what we paid so renting it for the past 5 years was definitely the way to go. I might have hung onto it for a little longer but I knew the tenant was looking to buy in the next year and I didn't want to miss the opportunity.

It's also one less hassle and line on your tax return. I'd say it's a win.
Yeah, definitely one less hassle. I'm not sure how well the condo market is rebounding but its definitely the highest in 5 years and fewer foreclosures means more realistic comparable recent sales to base asking price on. A few years ago, the only values we saw were quick sales and foreclosures and they were depressing to watch.
Great news Chris! A win-win for everyone involved!

Woohoo Mark! Is that Oleg doing some hand modeling?
My first auto x in 3 years, did ok, shaved 7 seconds off my first run by the end of the day. My instructor, Will said I'm not driving fast enough, I have good tires that I should be pushing more, also coming out of the corners I'm not getting back on the gas soon enough.

About time. Glad you made it out.

Looking forward to Saturday's autox. Our lot got repaved last month and I'm on new tires.
About time. Glad you made it out.

Looking forward to Saturday's autox. Our lot got repaved last month and I'm on new tires.

OH BOY!!!!! That should be fun!!!
From Saturday

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All this buying and selling going on. Well folks, I too sold my Miata.... that is it will be picked up this Sat. Loved the car, but I want another project the wife and I can dig into now that our daughter has moved to North Dakota with her husband.

Facebook is not a bad thing, I too stayed away for many years. You meet so many great people you never thought you would and the ability for instant contact and sharing of information with your friends is awesome, plus all the group pages with closer friends (MAZDA peeps). You have the ability to control much of the information you want to see or not have seen by others. There's no real downside to it. If you don't want people seeing certain photos, don't post them. Don't like a specific group after you have joined, just leave. Does not hurt to try anyway. Lol
All this buying and selling going on. Well folks, I too sold my Miata.... that is it will be picked up this Sat. Loved the car, but I want another project the wife and I can dig into now that our daughter has moved to North Dakota with her husband.

Facebook is not a bad thing, I too stayed away for many years. You meet so many great people you never thought you would and the ability for instant contact and sharing of information with your friends is awesome, plus all the group pages with closer friends (MAZDA peeps). You have the ability to control much of the information you want to see or not have seen by others. There's no real downside to it. If you don't want people seeing certain photos, don't post them. Don't like a specific group after you have joined, just leave. Does not hurt to try anyway. Lol

whoa! so....what will the new project look like?
I want a project out here, but I have no place to keep it. No idea at all when/if my sunburst will make it out to washington :(
If I end up buying/building anything itll be a road trip vehicle, though more likely money will be saved up for a p5 replacement
Nice Josh, back to the rotary.

So working last Thursday on a job site ending up getting poison ivy, didn't show up till Saturday and by Sunday am my arm and hand was swelling. Off to emerg and sure enough it's poison ivy. Using a medicate cream to keep the itch down and of course it's stinking hot this week and the AC in the work truck is still not working, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. And oh yeah, it's spreading slowly everywhere. (bang)

Looking forward to autox so I can take my frustrations out
Whoa...people. lol. Dropped Kaila off at ESU this afternoon. It was bittersweet and feel emotionally drained but we are very proud of her and excited to see her start this new chapter in her life.


Nice Josh...going back to the rotary. Keep us updated with progress. Have to say I was shocked to read that you sold the Miata.

Kyle...want me to pick the Sunburst up and bring it to PA? Ill fire it up a couple of times a week to drive to work. Hahaha

Damn Bruce...get better and soon! Havent had poison ivy since I was a kid but remember that it sucked. Get them to fix that ac too!


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Wow, she looks so much like you jeff! Yes, it's exciting to see them off on their own and also a sad day for the rents!

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Get well quick Bruce!

Yea, sad day indeed. Especially when they live across the country. Feels quite a bit odd around here.

Back to rotary baby! Well, not quite yet. maybe after this weekend. That car I posted is my first choice if I can get it. It's the cleanest one I've seen around, but still a bit rough around the edges so to speak. Hence a great project car. :)
Love it josh!!! Let us know if you get it is like to come see it!

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You think? As she gets older more and more people say the same, up until a year or so she was a clone of her mother!

:( Don't even want to think about that Josh. I keep telling her she'll be back soon but she insists on living in a big city once she has a grown up job. lol Phillys close! :)

Yes that one you posted does look pretty clean...from that pic. GL in getting it!



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Nice project!!! Looking forward to see where you take it!!!

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