Nationwide Protege5 team??!! (sticker)

Hkpro5- im down to rep that sticker as well :)! Ill pm you tomorrow so I can get the details on how to get one:)
This would look darn good as a sticker! Someones gotta hold down the U.P. Might as well be me!!! lol..

say your on vacation in a different state and you see the sticker on a p5, youll know that cars apart of the forum and you can make new friends :)

This would be cool, but since i've owned this car i've maybe only seen about 3-4 travelling from cali to florida and back :(. We are a rare breed.

Normally right after you buy a car you start seeing like 100 of them on the road because your RAS kicks in and you start noticing them. Not for us though.
@brokenpath- yeah i know what you mean, i had a 240 a year ago and everywhere i went 240 people were always cool and nice. i hope more people get p5's so it can be like that :)
@brokenpath- yeah i know what you mean, i had a 240 a year ago and everywhere i went 240 people were always cool and nice. i hope more people get p5's so it can be like that :)

So far the P5 owners i've run into are dicks.

I"ll put up right alongside them and give a "what's up" with my head. They usually just look confused or angry.
