Justin (Jersey_EMT) **PICS PAGE 8**


96 Miata M-Edition, 2015 Mazda 3 Hatch
Everybody here say a quick prayer or whatever your ritual may be for Justin. He was in a pretty bad accident and rolled his msp around 8:30 this morning on the Jersey Turnpike. He is still in the hospital for precautionary measures. I'm working off of secondhand information here, but apparently nothing is broken and he's not hurt too bad. Just please wish him the best and hope he's doing alright.

not religious but my best wishes go out to him...... get well soon man
Ok im the one who got the inital call from Justin (Jersey Emt) It happend on the pkwy at exit 117 not tpk. He was shifting lanes when some asshole decided to try to beat him and clipped the back end of his car. He was sent rolling off the road and hit a tree. (tree Won :( ) Justin is ok. No broken bones just banged up and bruised. They did get the person im assuming who caused this. His msp is totalled. As i get info ill let you guys know.
mdagost103 said:
Ok im the one who got the inital call from Justin (Jersey Emt) It happend on the pkwy at exit 117 not tpk. He was shifting lanes when some asshole decided to try to beat him and clipped the back end of his car. He was sent rolling off the road and hit a tree. (tree Won :( ) Justin is ok. No broken bones just banged up and bruised. They did get the person im assuming who caused this. His msp is totalled. As i get info ill let you guys know.

SUX! Poor jerseyemt and the msp! Again, Get well soon!
Damn that sucks...but it's good to hear that Justin not seriously hurt. My thoughts are with you man!