I Want to Hug a Mazda Safety Engineer!!


Protege5 (5-spd)
My brother Andrew (agroves1988) was in his 06 Mz3 wagon on Friday morning when a Ford Excursion crossed the center line and hit him head on. Both vehicles were traveling approximately 50mph. He was flown to University of Kentucky Hospital (the accident happened in Danville, KY) for treatment.

His left leg is badly broken in a few places, his left hip is fractured, right kneecap broken, has several fractures in his right foot, some serious cuts to his right knee. Incredibly, that is all. He has had and will continue to have surgery and then will be in rehab for a long time, but it is a miracle that he has no internal injuries, no spinal injuries and no brain injuries.

His Mazda took a hard hit and protected him well. The firefighters at the scene had to cut him out, but he was conscious the whole time and they were astounded at how relatively uninjured he was. Please continue to keep him in your prayers as he has a long recovery and more surgery before he will have full use of his legs again, but he is on the road to recovery.


Here is another link to a news article on the accident:
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sorry to hear. Glad he is ok though. I know how it is, my mother was in a similar accident. Keep us/this thread updated. He will definitely be in my prayers.
My thoughts are with your brother and the others involved. His 3 really got messed up he is very lucky he wasn't hurt even more seriously.
WOW!! Scary for sure.
In my 38 yrs of driving I have managed to avoid such a wreck either as the driver or a passenger. The thought of it scares the HELL out of me.
Your brother is indeed lucky to be alive. The car is replaceable. Your brother is not.
My thoughts too will be with him. Best wishes to you, your brother and the rest of your concerned family and friends.
I figured I would send a quick update...as of Thursday, all of my brother's surgeries were complete. He's definitely feeling better and getting stronger, and the docs seem very positive about his progress. He has a long road, but he's ready to take it on.