general audio signal question

Right now I've managed to hook up an aux input to my HU but there's a problem. I'm getting no bass signals what so ever.

It just seems like half the audio is cut off.

is audio typically transmitted through the left or right channel or is it more of a grounding problem?

the rest of the unit operation is fine. CD player and AM/FM are ok. It's just the aux that isn't working.

the whole thing is a home made project so there's no factory parts or what not.

Any ideas?
Bass is equal in both channels generally. Is the bass simply muted while using the aux input or is it across the board now? What are the details of this? have you created an aux in mode to the stock HU? DO share...
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Poseur said:
Bass is equal in both channels generally. Is the bass simply muted while using the aux input or is it across the board now? What are the details of this? have you created an aux in mode to the stock HU? DO share...
This has been talked about elsewhere but for those who don't know about it,
I basically followed the instructions here

what you do is open up the CD player component, remove the CD drive to get to the underlying circuit board, and there are 3 solder joints that are the L, R, and ground.

By stripping a few audio cables you can create RCA inputs into the CD line.

What happens next is that you play an audio CD with nothing but a silent track on it, that way the CD circuit is working, and the aux input is putting audio signal into the CD stream.

My problem is that the audio is bad. What's supposed to come through sounds crystal clear. But you can't hear stuff like the drums, or the audio itself is just really really quiet, and the voices seem like it's running through water.

is it just a bad solder connection? Or not enough contact between the aux in and the signal joint? interference? Bad ground?