DPMMSP - Alarm question for you.


How goes Don?!

Getting my MSP soon and looking to get an alarm system on it.
I know you got it done at Kromer Radio. Like to ask you a few questions:

Which model? How much?!
Did it come with a turbo timer / remore starter?
What's your experience with it so far?

Many thanks.
if you haven't notice Don hasn't been online for a long time! Although i have kept in touch with him over e-mail and he's been really busy with his life (work and family). He's been constantly travelling around Canada for unknown reasons from what he has been telling me.

Where in Toronto are you located? How soon are you getting your car?
Tomorrow is the big day.
I live in North York but picking it up in Mississauga.

You have an alarm system on your MSP?
There's a meet at Time Sqaure tommorrow at 3:00pm if your interested. It's organized my Colourwolf. Maybe you might want to drop by... That would be cool, a spankin' brand new car.
Not that this would affect the way you feel about dlivery day tommorrow, but it's going to rain.

I'm just using the stock alarm that came with the car. Why do you want to change the stock alarm anyway? It's fine with me
Limited Edition said:
There's a meet at Time Sqaure tommorrow at 3:00pm if your interested. It's organized my Colourwolf. Maybe you might want to drop by... That would be cool, a spankin' brand new car.
Not that this would affect the way you feel about dlivery day tommorrow, but it's going to rain.

I'm just using the stock alarm that came with the car. Why do you want to change the stock alarm anyway? It's fine with me

Rain sucks but I love driving in it though.
I'll try and be at the meet if I can make it.
hey limited edition, did the meet up going down today? anyways i was told world bowl from colour wolf! it was raining for a bit, and i was a bit caught up, so i came like a little late to world bowl, and there was none of u guys. did u guys relocate to times square or was it cancelled cause of the rain?
Hey JY Speed,
i'd like to know how the meet went too! (lol) I was going to call Colourwolf to see what was happening but decided that i wasn't because of the rain and my minor family situation today. I told Colourwolf that i wasn't sure about going anyway. I never gave him a definete answer and i already told him it was going to rain. It wasn't the best of day to meet. I have a feeling that there was NO meet today anyway. But i'll talk to Colourwolf this week to see what happen.

Don't worry, we will definetely have a pre-meet on April 5th for sure, exculsive to MSP owner's that day. So, if today didn't work out, we'll try again :)

Any news on your car?
alright i look forward to that meet. no news on my car yet, so im gonna be calling the dealer on monday. im praying that it will arrive before the meet. but the good thing is that the latest it can arrive is in 3 weeks, since they did guarantee me the car within 30 days. u put back on ur racing harts yet?
JY speed,
I am really looking forward to this meet too! This is going to be a awesome meet since there will be a lot of us MSP owner's. If it turns out to be sunny and warm, then we could have like a whole row of Orange pumpkin's lined up for some really nice photos! :D
It's all in my dreams right now, but will soon become reality. I really hope you get your car before the meet because, every car counts to make this meet better! ;)
Are you selling your current P5 for the MSP?

Btw, to make this meet even more exciting, i'm trying to get brennan who is putting on a full WW kit for the MOM meet. Can you say WOW! (laugh)

I'm still on Steelies for about two more weeks. My dad wants to help me put them on together (father and son day) since we've never swapped out wheels before in our life! :'(
nice!! yeah man i day dream about it too. haha, it would be sweet for like 4 or 5 or more mazdaspeeds crusing together. damn im drooling thinking it. damn i wanna see brennan car. u planning for any mods for ur car this summer?

yo! i don't own a p5!! i never did, im presently driving a honda civic hatchback, which will become my moms when i get the car.
JY speed.
This pre-meet will probably be more exciting then the actual meet! I say, screw the meet and have a cruise and drink during the pre-meet! (rofl) There should be more then 5 Mazdaspeed's if i can get EVERYONE in Toronto to join us. Right now, i already have 4 including myself and you. It's going to be badass cruisng their to represent MAZDASPEED.
I thought you owned a P5? hmmm......Colourwolf told me you do. Weird guy! (laugh)
haha, he is mistaken than. i clearly told i had a civic! oh wells.

:) ur idea of screwing the meet sounds rather tempting. yo but imagine this... 5 or more mazdaspeed cruising together to the meet! it's gonna turn some heads and make some people envious!!! yo imagine the look on the faces of the other mazda owners when we arrive!! :D
JY speed,
I used to own a civic too!, but i lost it during a bad accident when this lady ran into me at a traffic light while she was on her cell phone. She hit me so hard, i hit a CR-V infront and i was sandwiched. That was the end of my civic. :( RIP

Anyway, I have a good feeling that I will get bored of the Meeting of the Mazda meet after 45 mins or so. I hope no TPC readers see this :). Anyway, i'm sure any Mazdaspeed owner can tell you how much the car already attracts attention on it's own. I can't imagine 5 + cars together. Especially when everyone's car WILL BE CLEAN and sparkin'. Remember, shoe 'n shine. So wash her. Anyway, i said this in another thread, but we will go an hour or so later before the actual meet, so we can make our GRAND entrence. :D :D

MS representin'. (2thumbs)
mazda meet

hey Limited. The Hart's are on ! Just put them on today...that's the car i bought. What a difference from the steelies and winters!
3 people on my street were like "nice car" , "nice wheels".
Had to go fo a drive!

As for the meet...i''d like to go, but may have to work overtime. What time is the meet at Sherway, and what time are you guys meeting???

Did you put the wheels back on yourself with the trunk tie rod and jack? Or do you have a torque wrench and hydrolic jack? I plan on using the trunk tie rod and jack, but wasn't sure if it would be save enough to change them on my own.

Mine are ready to be put back on, they are very clean as i cleaned them before i stored them away. Anyway, even w/o the wheels i got people telling me it's a nice car. I guess they mean the colour. What else is so great on the exterior? :)

I'm glad you'd like to join us. Everyone seems to want to have this pre-meet on April 5th. I haven't finalized anything yet, but my plan was to have a meet likely in the Richmond Hill area. Since most people live by there. The Sherway Garden meet is from 11:30am - 1:30pm. I plan on having the pre-meet 11:30am because i think most of us would agree that 11:30 am to be at QEW & 427 is far and too early. Anyway, if we meet at 11:30am in richmond, we can wait for about 30 mins for late comers or talk and introduce ourselves. Then start cruising to Sherway at noon, and expect to arrive after 12:30pm. I can say from my own experience that these meets are rather boring after a good hour. So, when we arrive, we can have our GRAND entrence of MAZDASPEED's. Park together, and i guess show 'n shine is the name of the game. :D
After that, i guess we leave whenever we want.
More details on a new thread later in the week or so.
Just PM me for any questions.
Hi Guys (and Girls) ..... Sorry I have been off the boards for a long time now. Way to busy at work I'm afraid. Like Limited says .... Victoria, Saskatoon, Montreal. The crap at home is over too. Hopefully now I can pay attention to the more important things in life ... like the boards.

Arkitek .... The alarm is a Clifford .... model 9000 I believe. Around $800. It will take all sorts of "plug-ins" like the remote starter if you want.... I don't know about the turbo-timer ..... I've been wondering about getting one. The alarm does perform some very cool functions. Rolls up your windows for you when you turn it on, locks the doors for you when you start driving, turns your headlights on when you need them or when your wipers are in operation. Mine is still set too sensitve .... its murder in underground garages..... but it works and boy is it loud. It took a very long time to install because it is hooked into so many car functions.

Limited ... I know I still owe you an email. I'm getting there. This meet idea sounds great. I still haven't seen another msp on the road. At a light tonight a guy in an Audi A8 wanted to know if it was a factory colour ...said he really liked it.
Hey dpmmsp!
Glad you see you finally posting again after a few months!
Have you've been racking up all those kilometres by driving to Montreal etc? That would be a long drive!
Dpmmsp, thanks for the info and welcome back.

Maybe I could hook up with you one of these days soon and check out your alarm system. I'm thinking of getting the same one so...

Let me know if this is possible. Thanks.