Can Anyone Help Me????

Well now ive had my first run in with mazda. My engine went from zoom zoom to boom boom on my drive home from PA to IL. Well Mazda is saying that naturally my warranty is voided because of my FMIC,CAI, and BOV.

So far they have determined that the #1 cylinder is flooded with gas and another being covered in black sut. They also said that a bolt was broken off the exhaust manifold. The guy asked me if i had ever heard that noise. I said yeah and Mazda told me it was the normal sound of the engine. I just DONT believe that my mods could have caused that kind of engine damage. Can someone please help me, because i know mazda is gonna deny the warranty. This is my only car too..
MazdaSpeeder00 said:
Well now ive had my first run in with mazda. My engine went from zoom zoom to boom boom on my drive home from PA to IL. Well Mazda is saying that naturally my warranty is voided because of my FMIC,CAI, and BOV.

So far they have determined that the #1 cylinder is flooded with gas and another being covered in black sut. They also said that a bolt was broken off the exhaust manifold. The guy asked me if i had ever heard that noise. I said yeah and Mazda told me it was the normal sound of the engine. I just DONT believe that my mods could have caused that kind of engine damage. Can someone please help me, because i know mazda is gonna deny the warranty. This is my only car too..
if those are the few mods that you had...try and argue it cause those mods will help and not hurt...
but then again man..mazda doesnt want us to do anything to the car...if all else fail take it to another dealer.
MS MSP said:
What level are you boosting at?
Im boosting at stock... never touched the boost. and ive only had those mods a short time. .

And i told them the same thing about them helping and not hurting. Id have the car shipped home to my dealer but i cant afford all of this.... But i seriously think im getting screwed over.
If you're at stock boost, then i agree that you're being screwed here. Sorry.
The funniest thing is that the mechanic at the dealership said that if they do rebuild it that they will need to figure out how to turn down the boost on the BOV..... ARE YOU F*CKIN SERIOUS!!!!!! Im glad to see who is working on our cars!
Damn that sucks ass!!

If I were you, i'd shove the Magnuson Moss Act up their asses!! They have to first prove that your mods were the cause of your engine's demise. And try to get a second opinion from another dealership.

I hope that this helps:
If you want to fight it. I would start with contacting your Attorney General's office. They might be able to help you if you can convince them your modifications were not at fault.
Yeah, I already mentioned Magnusson-Moss. They said that they are still workin on finding out the problem. Im just wondering what i need to do.... because im pretty sure that those 3 mods could not be the cause of internal damage like that.

No they arent forged... otherwise i wouldnt have a case at all. But im gonna do that next for sure! All i know is that they better have solid proof that this caused it.. If they just say that its the case then im calling the regional rep and discuss it with him/her. It really bothers me to think that we give them our business and then they turn their backs on us when stuff like this happens.
sucks man... but in their defense you have to think about how many dumbass ricers come in there and do stupid crap to their engines and then try to get free warranty work. Why dont you take your mods off, put it back to stock and go to another dealer?
Familia323 said:
sucks man... but in their defense you have to think about how many dumbass ricers come in there and do stupid crap to their engines and then try to get free warranty work. Why dont you take your mods off, put it back to stock and go to another dealer?
you cant steriotype someone by there car. Plus i dont have that stuff anymore. And the car doesnt run... and its in PA and I live in Illinois. Dont have much of a choice.

Jersey- my thoughts exactly!!!

UPDATE.. They are leaning towards trying a new MAF. I guess it makes sense as to why there is so much gas everywhere. The guy i talked to was cool and said that its still up in the air but they are leaning towards the MAF which could be covered under warranty....but Im not getting my hopes up. Oh and Familia....the guy even said that he looks at it as "With all that expensive stuff under there, I would be more likely to think that you were taking care of it than acting like a dumbass"

I guess im a lil happier but its still not for sure and im chewing my fingers to the bone!
Damn, real sorry to hear man.:( I agree that if you haven't turned up your boost then your mods were only helping the motor. Hope it all works out.
Im glad to see I have support... always makes a guy feel better.. Im keeping my fingers crossed and if anything else goes down... i will be here lookin for advice.
MazdaSpeeder00 said:
The funniest thing is that the mechanic at the dealership said that if they do rebuild it that they will need to figure out how to turn down the boost on the BOV..... ARE YOU F*CKIN SERIOUS!!!!!! Im glad to see who is working on our cars!
this my friend should prove to you they are ******* morons(boom02) s*** just plain morons...
fight that for reals(2thumbs)
DiscreetSpeed said:
this my friend should prove to you they are ******* morons(boom02) s*** just plain morons...
fight that for reals(2thumbs)
Oh and you'll love this one!!!!!!!! THEY CALLED TODAY .....and I quote!!

"I was checking the service record on your car and it says that you had the head-unit replaced. I was just calling to see if you could tell me what that is exactly? Im not familiar with any headunit." (huh)

God Help Us All.......(boom06)

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