Bastian's P5 on a college budget

I would defs keep it. I didn't have a car my first semester and it was TERRIBLE! Especially trying to get home, that was a mess. Thankfully the city I go to school in isn't very big, and most of the stuff I needed was in one spot (far from campus, sadly), but it sucked hardcore and I got a car within the first week of the second semester. KEEP YOUR CAR DUDE!! IT'S NOT WORTH SELLING!! :)
Park it in your fancy single garage and let your dad tend to it while you go to school. It's not worth too much, but is cheaper to keep than buying a car in a few years. You will thank yourself when you get out of school and need a car.
^+1. million. drive it till it rots out. Thats my plan. Or buy a replacement and make the P5 a track day car :D (my hopes)
^I'm driving mine til it rots. It's not worth anything now so I might as well kill it off. Engine just passed 170k miles and I can swap a newer engine into it way cheaper than buying another car
Alright, all fair points. Especially the having to buy a new car thing. The devil you know is better than the devil you don't know, I suppose

The car has been making some crazy suspension sounds. It's like this creaking sound from the front end whenever the car rocks from hitting a bump... ahhhhhh
So it's officially been over a month since I've seen my car. Five weeks, to be exact. Really sucks to rely on public transportation and bicycles all the time
exactly... I'm working on getting a parking pass for spring semester. Not having a car in Vermont really sucks... there's buses to run us in to town Monday-Saturday but not Sunday, and they're always overcrowded and late. The hills are also obnoxious on my single speed road bike. Can't wait to have my four wheels up here to haul my lazy ass around :D it does suck knowing that it's just sitting in the garage at home, perfectly usable, but out of my reach

here's a pic for old time's sake... I quit the delivery gig right before summer started

Buuuuut, saves the body from rain and the engine from racking up more miles. I drive 30 miles a day round trip every day. Good thing I have my dad's lease vehicle to use :) I'm saving up for an MS3 this summer. Gonna see if I can keep the P5 too if I can scrounge enough funds from another internship. Plus I won't legally be able to drive the P5 for a month (dad took it off insurance to save money. bleh, may as well have just saved up and got a Speed for the amount I've driven mine)

Put it this way, using your bike keeps you fit ;) (not saying you need it, but we can all use a little cardio now and then)

Also, by not driving it, you won't get bored when you do drive it :)
Well at least you decided to keep your car! I told you ya won't regret it! Come spring you will be drivin that thing everywhere. But like KingofSpades said you are able to stay in shape this way (again, not trying to say you need it lol) until the snow starts flying. And maybe even then, if you're like my roommate. Are you savin up and getting ideas for what you can do when you get it back in your possession?
Oh for sure. I don't have any big plans, the only thing really on my mind is getting a long narrow roof box so I can have my skis and bike rack on the roof at the same time. I also need to find some snow tires...

I'm debating whether to use my old 15" steelies for winter wheels or get winter tires for these 16" Probe wheels:

thanks cam^

I've been home this weekend for the first time in a few months... spent some quality time with my babies over the past couple of days.

Sounds like a good weekend to me! Then again, I have Ozzie right outside my apartment, so I'm sure it was a lot better for you. ha Are you gonna be able to bring your car next semester?
Oh boy! Hopefully you can! That's why I'm glad we have plenty of parking here. They only have lottery for the best parking permits, and those are very spendy so it doesn't matter to me anyways. ha
Yeah, luckily parking is only $25 per semester here. I did figure out that if I am employed (which I plan on being) I can get a parking spot regardless of the lottery results, if I have proof of employment. I'm working on getting a job down at a local bike store... we'll see how it all pans out.