Anyone heard about this law passing? (PA)

My whole thing with being speculative is that when I traded my modded P5 for my modded Ram, nothing was mentioned at all. You'd think the dealer would have a responsibility to point out such changes, IF they existed.
You'd think so, but I guess if you don't know they're not telling. It's kind of like buying parts at an automotive store and not seeing the fine print that says "for off road use only".. either way I hope it didn't or doesn't pass.
I'd like to see that on an official website. Sounds like BS to me. They would have to fine half the trucks and harleys on the road alone.

That being said, glad I only visit PA.
I'm about to move to the area around Penn State. I hope I don't have to deal with this kind of crap with my decent list of mods. NJ was bad enough with the required inspection. I did all my work in SC and they just don't care down there.
Actually, I haven't heard anything else about it other than it applies to vehicles that are drastically altered, ie converting your Protege to AWD.
that's just total horse s***. Instead of wasting money on obnoxious s*** like that, PA Government should ******* fix their god damn highways QUICKER. I still wonder where do people's taxes go....
This can't be true. If it is, then I'm glad I don't live in PA. Cops here harass me enough just cuz of my exhaust. I'd be in trouble when they see I have "high flow" cats.
The way I see it, State government can't just come up with s*** like this and NOT let the public know ahead of time. If they are serious about it, hypothetically speaking, they HAVE to publicly anounce it because this is vehicle inspection and not some dilly dolly crap. If and IF this s*** is some-*******-how is true, then parent-independent people will start moving out of the state. That's just my take on it.
I don't think it will happen, its too out of control and ridiculous. There is no way cops could get everyone no matter how hard they tried. Plus, people would go absolutely nuts, esp in my area, there are so many hot rods and tuners is outrageous.

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