2006 Chicago Auto Show


2009 CPW MS3 Sport
Starts Feb 9th till the 19th. Anyone considered going? I was hoping we could all trek down there as a group again, make another t.v spot and things like that.

I was thinking getting everyone equipped with Mazdateam T-shirts and going to town on the Mazda section there.....oh, just think of the womens there....the womens!!!
That would be excellent! The T-shirts and zee womenz. I am a size small. :D how much do I owe you?
no school on Friday, Feb. 17th. How's that sound?

I'd prefer to go on a weekday, as crowds will be less. I can probably take off any day, but the 17th would be ideal of course hehe.

My dad gave me a few Mazda shirts on Christmas. I'll prolly be wearing one of them :)
the only time I can go is on the weekend. I don't know if work will let me take a weekday off.
Anna-chan said:
the only time I can go is on the weekend. I don't know if work will let me take a weekday off.

ask in advance long enough and anything is possible
werd. I've been to the auto show on weekends. people friggin everywhere. why don't we set a date now then and everyone can request off?
I'd be up. Friday not preferable, I'm putting on a fundraiser for the cycling team. (Either Friday ... haven't decided yet!)

Anna what about the 10th (Friday) or 17th (Friday) or any of the 2 weekends (11-12), (14-15)?
id prefer a weekday aswell, but i probably wont be anle to go unless its a weekend because i dont have much vacation time left to take.

besides, didnt we go on a weekend last year? i dont recall it being ridiculously crowded.
I think the first weekend will be more crowded than the later. I would prefer a weekend too. But I am up for the 2 fridays also. Perhaps maybe a poll?
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There's a slight possiblity I may be in Houston (found out today) during that week, possibly over the weekend too as I have a meeting in CA during the week of the 19th....

...I love my job, I love my job, I love my job....
meh, i will be going one weekend, but I have already committed to go with the iowa crowd, as there will most surely be 2 days of intense jamming and drinking to compliment our automotive addiction.