XelderX's BG FSP Build

Better pictures. I had to move the crank sensor because I'm an idiot.




The header turned out great!

I call dibs on the idea of the WP pulley drilling ;).
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The build looks like it's coming along nicely, Justin. I hope you get to do some testing/tuning before nats. I think FSP at Nats will be very fast this year. I don't expect to trophy this year but I hope the car will be more sorted out over the winter. Of course, if I could sneak into a lower trophy that would be cool. :)

We have the Vail National Tour this weekend so I will see how far behind I am from the Mannix's monster 2002.

The build looks like it's coming along nicely, Justin. I hope you get to do some testing/tuning before nats. I think FSP at Nats will be very fast this year. I don't expect to trophy this year but I hope the car will be more sorted out over the winter. Of course, if I could sneak into a lower trophy that would be cool. :)

We have the Vail National Tour this weekend so I will see how far behind I am from the Mannix's monster 2002.


Thanks Van, I'm glad you guys are going to be in FSP this year with me. There is a test event planned for Aug 14-15 local to me on pretty grippy concrete. I'm not using it for setup work...mostly just shaking the car down and seeing where the weak links might be. My girlfriend is going to need some seat time. I don't plan on doing any major adjustments to the suspension before Nationals. The old LSD and my over aggressive trailbraking was the biggest handicap for the car early in the season. The setup on the car was pretty neutral on asphalt so I'm not expecting big surprises in Nebraska. We'll see how well that stands up once I hit the practice course in Lincoln.

From what I hear, Mannix has been doing a lot of experimenting with his setup. Keep us updated on how it looks out there. I've missed out on the entire middle of the season over here with the rebuild, but things are starting to fall into place now.
The drivetrain is now completely back in the car. I need to wire it up and put some fluids in it. I'm getting some welding done on the custom coil bracket later tonight and that should be it for all the fabrication on the car. Everyone keep you fingers crossed for me. The last time I got to this point it took an additional 2 months to get the motor running properly. I only have about 1.5 weeks this time.
Justin, 4 days left to get registered before the the fees go up! Get on it! Right now, FSP is looking to be the 2nd or 3rd biggest SP class. I'm hoping we get up to 30. Right now there is 20 signed up so far.

Justin, 4 days left to get registered before the the fees go up! Get on it! Right now, FSP is looking to be the 2nd or 3rd biggest SP class. I'm hoping we get up to 30. Right now there is 20 signed up so far.


I still haven't been able to get the new motor running. If I can't get it sorted out by Thursday I'm not going to make it to Nationals this year. I have all day tomorrow to work on it and maybe a few hours Wednesday night, but it's not looking very promising at the moment. I have to do in 2 days what took me 2 months to do the last time I was at this stage.
Well good luck! I hope you get it running. Or at least sign up in case. You can always unregister.

Or how about this? Run Jinx's car in SMF and take 1st place! I'm sure you could at least trophy. That would be sweet. :)

If I can't bring my car out this year it just isn't worth it for me to travel out there. I'm already on a shoestring budget and the only thing that would make it worthwhile is to drive the car I've been slaving over for the last 4 months.

I thought I was making progress on it today, but I ended up about where I started. I would still be over there fiddling with it, but 5-6 hours of repetitive cranking was about all the battery could take before it completely gave up. It didn't help that the outside temp was so hot the laptop kept overheating in the car and shutting down every 5 minutes. I'd have to go inside and wait 10 minutes for it to cool back down before it would reboot. I'm pretty much out of spending cash now so if I can't nurse this battery back to life by tomorrow night or borrow another good battery I'm SOL. Something in the timing is way off. I don't know enough about the settings for this 36-1 wheel to even know where to start changing things. I sent Boswell a message to confirm that my trigger settings are correct. If they are the only thing I can think of is that the coils are reversed, but I won't be able to check that until tomorrow night. i don't see how they could be reversed though. I suppose at this point I need to eliminate all possibilities.
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Stock ECU?


I don't have one if that is what you are asking. It got hacked to make the jumper harness for the Megasquirt. I also don't have a functioning distributor to replace the dual coil setup I have on the car right now. My megasquirt isn't setup to run a distributor anyway. I pretty much have to make my current setup work or wait until I can afford to convert it back to the distributor setup. This setup can work...I just need to figure it out.
Good luck, Justin. I want to see this car at nats. I wish I had the time or I'd drive up there to help you out.
Good luck, Justin. I want to see this car at nats. I wish I had the time or I'd drive up there to help you out.

I think I have the info I need now to get it working. If I can just get it to the dyno on Friday to check the A/F and break in the motor. I have 3 days worth of AutoX before September 1 and then the practice course in Lincoln to shake it down. I spent last Sunday in a D Stock Type R and even after over 4 months not driving I still haven't lost my FWD autox mojo. This weekend is a huge Test event for the NC crowd going to Nationals. I wouldn't mind showing up and whooping on Jinx a little before the big show. That could get in his head a little.
Good luck, I too want to see you whoopin' at Nationals. Depending on my work schedule, I may pop down to watch and heckle people.
Well, I guess you guys have probably noticed by now that I haven't registered for Nationals. I still haven't been able to get the car running. Even if the car cranked today I wouldn't have the money to make the trip. I'm a little disappointed, but I did everything I could possibly do to be ready in time. I'm still trying to diagnose a problem with 2 of the injectors not firing. It appears to be a problem in the ECU, but it works correctly when bench testing it, just not in the car. I've burnt up two starters in the last week trying to solve the problem so I'm having to take a break until I can afford to buy another one. Good luck to everyone who is headed out to Lincoln. I'll get this thing running eventually and hopefully be able to run a full season next year.