Will NAV stereo system display RDS data ?


While I wait (in vain) for a hardwired solution for integrating my iPod to my NAV stereo system, I thought I would try wireless FM modulation again. I have an old iTRip, which is a bit of a pain to change FM stations on the fly (as you travel into different cities with different empty FM stations). New transmitters have preset FM stations that would be a bit easier to change on the fly while driving.

I see Kensington has a new FM transmitter/charger that will also send song/artist data to be displayed by your radio via RDS (Radio Data Systems). Does anyone know whether the FM radio that is part of the NAV package will display this transmitted data ?

check out:


Radio Data Systems (RDS) is a sub-frequency of FM radio, sent along with a normal music signal. It allows text to be displayed on RDS-enabled radios. Song and artist names can scroll across the stereo screen. The Kensington patent-pending RDS FM Transmitter will digitize song information and send it via RDS to a car stereo (along with music). RDS is available in various vehicle models offered by leading automakers.