What to buy? MS3 or Civic si

Haha well... the majority of them say that the Honda is better because of:

8k rev limit
reliability (which IMO isn't true at all.)
looks (most of them are wagon haters)
better handling (arguable. I know...)
and resale value

The only bad thing other than those that they say is, "It just has too much power for its own good."

*None of that is my opinion though.

I love the people on the civic forum I go to... but I don't ever agree with the Si > MS3 threads when they come up.

The Civic si is a really fun car but I just got tired of the 3rd gear problem and reving to 8k just to make any decent power.

When I got my MS3 I just went for a "test drive" to see what all the hype was about. It was kinda funny because about 3hours later I'm driving the MS3home leaving my SI with them. They gave me 20k for the si and it had 6000 miles on it, I paid like 22.5k OTD for it.
here is one example. please note i am a moderator on the forum, so i have to keep everyone over there in check either way.


Just read that entire thread for s**** and giggles..

You did a great job at moderation that thread as some of those ppl are extremely misinformed. I can't believe some of them thought they could take a MS3 with their si from a roll!!!

Again I've owned a 07 si for like 6months and there is no comparison. Handling might be close but that's about it.
I'm a Honda fan too. I have a 2003 Honda Pilot that is going on 6 years old. Even though its a first run model, its solid. But the MS3 is an absolutely great buy. It can keep up with cars costing twice as much (335i), ten times uglier (08 STi) and full of Ignoramous Inferiums (Mustang GT).

Anyway, here's a review I wrote on epinions.com. Read when you have nothing better to do.
I know this is a Mazda forum but here are some pics of my SI. I used to have a '03 MSP Protege before the civic. I figured since I had to replace the LSD in the MSP that entitles me to a lifetime membership here. hah

17" Konig Feathers
Camber kit f&r
HFP Suspension







erm.. i dont know..
SI reminds me of prius.. if you compare both car from the front and angle, they have similar profile.
But of course, SI looks sharper.

Nvm all that, i will take new sexy accord coupe and call it a day. Im Pretty sure it has more useable performance than si on the street and gotta say ms3and si looks plain in comparison.
Pics look great man, most people aren't biased between either car. I do think for the extra 2 grand the extra power is worth it though, so I'm happy with my MS3 purchase. To each their own though, some people don't need the extra power for daily driving.
Right now I'm glad I don't have a Mazdaspeed 3. Gas is getting higher and higher. I average around 28 - 30 mpg so that was the selling point for me. Plus I had a rough time with the Mazdaspeed Protege and was ready for something different.
I absolutely love my MS3 although I've only had it 4 days :). I just think that for the coin, you cannot get a more fun car that also has the ability to haul a bunch of stuff and looks very sleeper compared to most performance cars. If you can't deal with the gas or insurance increases, then obviously look to the Civic.
I know I'm going to get bashed a little for this but here is my thought process. The Mazdaspeed Protege they took a lot of shortcuts on it and learned from it hopefully. Now for a car equivalent to the Mazdaspeed 3 in power and features it is going to be a few thousand more. Did Mazda cut corners on this car and are they going to crop up in a few years like the Mazdaspeed Protege did. I know the engine is 10000000000 times better than the Mazdaspeed Protege but who knows. I guess I just kind of freaked myself out when I was deciding.
I know I'm going to get bashed a little for this but here is my thought process. The Mazdaspeed Protege they took a lot of shortcuts on it and learned from it hopefully. Now for a car equivalent to the Mazdaspeed 3 in power and features it is going to be a few thousand more. Did Mazda cut corners on this car and are they going to crop up in a few years like the Mazdaspeed Protege did. I know the engine is 10000000000 times better than the Mazdaspeed Protege but who knows. I guess I just kind of freaked myself out when I was deciding.

Im sure mazda cut corners. Most popular one is bad motor mount. You cant get it all you know for 22k :)
Why are motor mounts so hard for Mazda to get down. They seem like something they shouldn't cut cost on. I know the MSProtege's motor mounts were crap too.
Im sure mazda cut corners. Most popular one is bad motor mount. You cant get it all you know for 22k :)

It was documented on the other site that a Mazda engineer said that the NVH guy won that battle. It wasn't about cutting corners.

Nice car, by the way. I like the front 1/4 angle shot of the Civic best.
I know I'm going to get bashed a little for this but here is my thought process. The Mazdaspeed Protege they took a lot of shortcuts on it and learned from it hopefully. Now for a car equivalent to the Mazdaspeed 3 in power and features it is going to be a few thousand more. Did Mazda cut corners on this car and are they going to crop up in a few years like the Mazdaspeed Protege did. I know the engine is 10000000000 times better than the Mazdaspeed Protege but who knows. I guess I just kind of freaked myself out when I was deciding.

Mazda cut corners on the motor mounts just like Honda cut corners on the SI's tranny. I totally understand your pain and the need for something different and to be honest, the SI is a nice car, BUT, it's not perfect. If your 3rd gear don't grind or pop out, consider yourself lucky.