What have you done to your MSP today?

why dont you just stash money in a sock for a couple months and buy wheels/tires together... installed, shipped ready to be put on the car? what good does it do you to have A wheel sitting around... just saying...
why dont you just stash money in a sock for a couple months and buy wheels/tires together... installed, shipped ready to be put on the car? what good does it do you to have A wheel sitting around... just saying...
Cuz im gonna be broke after the wedding and honeymoon. Lol. Well have to see how much money we get from the wedding.
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If you can't afford the wheels just wait, your plan doesn't really make any sense especially considering you are getting married. And IMO don't buy knockoff wheels, they look and are cheap. Used quality wheels will be a much better and safer bet, you are better off sticking with the Racing Harts.
If you can't afford the wheels just wait, your plan doesn't really make any sense especially considering you are getting married. And IMO don't buy knockoff wheels, they look and are cheap. Used quality wheels will be a much better and safer bet, you are better off sticking with the Racing Harts.
August is the wedding. I'm buying wheels afterwards. Yes they're knock off wheels but to me they look good. I honestly don't care if they're brand name or not. I can easily just put the Mazda center cap on any way. They look wayyyy better than the harts. I know you guys are going to hate, and disagree but the harts just look alright, nothing special. Plus str's are worth a lot more than these harts. And are sold for a lot more.
I've noticed the thing with these MSPs is that you have to be careful moding them. Since we got so many goodies in stock form, its expensive to upgrade the upgrades.
August is the wedding. I'm buying wheels afterwards. Yes they're knock off wheels but to me they look good. I honestly don't care if they're brand name or not. I can easily just put the Mazda center cap on any way. They look wayyyy better than the harts. I know you guys are going to hate, and disagree but the harts just look alright, nothing special. Plus str's are worth a lot more than these harts. And are sold for a lot more.
Josh just save up you and your girl should both have a fund for buying stuff you want. I'll talk to you later.
Josh just save up you and your girl should both have a fund for buying stuff you want. I'll talk to you later.
For our honeymoon were going to a 5 star all inclusive resort in Cozumel for 3 days and Cancun for 3 days. I know how to save. Were both gonna have separate accounts. She loves buying clothes. I like buying things for my car. As far as the sunroof it must be a protege turned into a msp.
You could get a dealer installed sunroof in any Protege, there have been members with them before. It could also be aftermarket, I'm curious about the leather interior. 3500 isn't bad but the lack of description is.
That's a real msp, it doesn't have an antenna.

Don't do separate accounts. Having a regular budget meeting to discuss JOINT funds creates a healthy rhythm of working together and if done well will eliminate the money issues that so often lead to divorce. Sharing an account will bring you together monetarily, which will force you to work together, and will bring each of you into the other's interests and desires. Start by sharing money and you will be more successful in sharing life. I've been married almost 10 years and my wife and I have been together for a little over 15 years. I love her more now than ever before and would never risk any kind separation for stuff that I may want - especially because she would never tell me not to get something without a good reason. The times she does give me "the look" are generally right on.
That's a real msp, it doesn't have an antenna.

Don't do separate accounts. Having a regular budget meeting to discuss JOINT funds creates a healthy rhythm of working together and if done well will eliminate the money issues that so often lead to divorce. Sharing an account will bring you together monetarily, which will force you to work together, and will bring each of you into the other's interests and desires. Start by sharing money and you will be more successful in sharing life. I've been married almost 10 years and my wife and I have been together for a little over 15 years. I love her more now than ever before and would never risk any kind separation for stuff that I may want - especially because she would never tell me not to get something without a good reason. The times she does give me "the look" are generally right on.
Thank you Pope. Youre prolly right. Well take that into consideration.
Thank you Pope. Youre prolly right. Well take that into consideration.

No worries, I'm happy to share. Its very counter culture, but marriage is a wonderful thing when both people are on board with what it is. Marriage is a covenant, a commitment, a relationship, and NOT a reaction to falling in love. Its very easy to fall in love and its just as easy to fall out of love so avoid riding on the warm and fuzzy feelings. I have to pursue my wife, and she reciprocates by respecting me and encouraging me to lead our house. We both have to work at this and sometimes it feels more like work than love, but as we continue to get better at it so does our relationship.
No worries, I'm happy to share. Its very counter culture, but marriage is a wonderful thing when both people are on board with what it is. Marriage is a covenant, a commitment, a relationship, and NOT a reaction to falling in love. Its very easy to fall in love and its just as easy to fall out of love so avoid riding on the warm and fuzzy feelings. I have to pursue my wife, and she reciprocates by respecting me and encouraging me to lead our house. We both have to work at this and sometimes it feels more like work than love, but as we continue to get better at it so does our relationship.
Yeah man. I know exactly what you mean. We went to this convention called Love and Respect and it really opens your eyes about many things. I highly recommend it. I'm excited and wanna continue sharing my life with her with Gods guidance. P.s. happy fathers day to you Pope and all of you fathers on the forum. You guys play a crucial part in your children's lives. God bless.
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Yeah man. I know exactly what you mean. We went to this convention called Love and Respect and it really opens your eyes about many things. I highly recommend it. I'm excited and wanna continue sharing my life with her with Gods guidance. P.s. happy fathers day to you Pope and all of you fathers on the forum. You guys play a crucial part in your children's lives. God bless.

Love and Respect is good stuff. I'm stoked you realize the importance of God in the mix! A three stranded cord is not easily broken. If you have a few minutes, you and your bride to be should check this out:

Love and Respect is good stuff. I'm stoked you realize the importance of God in the mix! A three stranded cord is not easily broken. If you have a few minutes, you and your bride to be should check this out:

Of course bro! He's the reason were all here. Without Him, EVERYTHING would be harder. Well check it out. We read premarital books, go to conventions, etc. We understand marriage is something you have to work at. It's not just something you decide and that's it. It's nice to know someone of faith and is also into cars. I truly support what you do and like I said, ill be buying that downpipe and mani of yours.
Of course bro! He's the reason were all here. Without Him, EVERYTHING would be harder. Well check it out. We read premarital books, go to conventions, etc. We understand marriage is something you have to work at. It's not just something you decide and that's it. It's nice to know someone of faith and is also into cars. I truly support what you do and like I said, ill be buying that downpipe and mani of yours.
Well made performance parts buy a well made man... haha 😃 happy fathers day Pope
Of course bro! He's the reason were all here. Without Him, EVERYTHING would be harder. Well check it out. We read premarital books, go to conventions, etc. We understand marriage is something you have to work at. It's not just something you decide and that's it. It's nice to know someone of faith and is also into cars. I truly support what you do and like I said, ill be buying that downpipe and mani of yours.

Well made performance parts buy a well made man... haha �� happy fathers day Pope

Thanks guys!

In other news: I've driven the test mule a bit. Its going to be strong! I have a mean exhaust leak because the wastegate actuator mount is hitting the block and won't let the manifold seal. A little metal messaging will take care of it, but its going to take some work to get to it. The unichip is installed and I've already got some great info on a possible EGR delete. I've also found that our MAP sensor is unfortunately a 1 bar sensor. I was really hoping for a 2 bar so that I could convert the 0-5V signal into a useful boost sensor for the unichip. I'll probably swap it for a gm 2 or 3 bar and play with the signal to trick the ECU into believing it hasn't been messed with.

Zealous, your intercooler should be here this week. With a bit of luck your parts will be ready very soon. Do you have your radiator yet?
Thanks guys!

In other news: I've driven the test mule a bit. Its going to be strong! I have a mean exhaust leak because the wastegate actuator mount is hitting the block and won't let the manifold seal. A little metal messaging will take care of it, but its going to take some work to get to it. The unichip is installed and I've already got some great info on a possible EGR delete. I've also found that our MAP sensor is unfortunately a 1 bar sensor. I was really hoping for a 2 bar so that I could convert the 0-5V signal into a useful boost sensor for the unichip. I'll probably swap it for a gm 2 or 3 bar and play with the signal to trick the ECU into believing it hasn't been messed with.

Zealous, your intercooler should be here this week. With a bit of luck your parts will be ready very soon. Do you have your radiator yet?
No I don't have one yet. Just making the bills right now.
On the uni chip front isn't a 1 bar sensor good to 14psi?
No I don't have one yet. Just making the bills right now.
On the uni chip front isn't a 1 bar sensor good to 14psi?

No worries, I was just curious.

1 bar is 14.7 psi, but thats absolute not gauge pressure. To read above atmospheric pressure (boost) takes 1 bar + X amount of boost. 2 bar sensors are good for 14 psi and 3 bar are good for 28 psi.
So I was chilling with a good friend checking out his black MSP, and his car is running funny, maybe you guys can help me out.
mspS by korbancorbett, on Flickr

His car runs fine out of boost but as soon as you start to hit boost ( about half throttle and more than 3-4 psi of boost) it starts to shudder, almost like a mis-fire.(still hits full psi 5-6.5 psi) the problem only exist under boost or wide open throttle. The ignition system has been checked ( new wires/coils/plugs) o2 sensor replaced/Maf checked. my question is, when our cars hit boost does the ECU change timing?
I'm thinking maybe his timing is off, but not sure.
what do you guys think
oh and only mods are a FMIC w/ relocated MAF and bov