Weird Problem


2002 Proteg 5
Whenever I take a left turn fast and I step on it during the turn, I get this weird rattling noise coming from the front right side of the car.

Even If I am stopped at a stop sign, and then take a left turn fast in first gear, I can hear the rattling.

It has to be a pretty sharp turn though...

What the hell is this????

I'll ask my mechanic to take a look when I get my next oil change. Thanks JoshP5.

Get down and look at your CV boots. If the rubber boot is torn, than it is probably a bad CV joint. They don't last very long once the boot tears and the grease all gets slung out. If the boot is not torn, it is probably not the CV joint. It's possible for the joint to fail without the boot tearing, but it's unlikely. But what you are describing sounds like Josh is dead-on with his diagnosis.
Ya, but only when I take a left turn HARD!

When a CV joint wears out, it starts by making sounds only when turning the wheel all the way. It can be left or right. It can also be both directions.

Did you take a look at the CV boots like I suggested? That will be an instant indication that the joint is going out.
Nah, haven't bothered taking a look. I am positive it's that. As described earlier, it makes a flapping sound when it's torn, which is what mine does...

How much will a new one run me??

$200-$285, depending on which joint. But dude, go outside and look at your s***. If a boot's torn you'll know for sure what the problem is. If not, it may indeed be a bad CV joint, but it could be something else. Maybe something you can see. We try, but an internet diagnosis only goes so far.
$200-$285, depending on which joint. But dude, go outside and look at your s***. If a boot's torn you'll know for sure what the problem is. If not, it may indeed be a bad CV joint, but it could be something else. Maybe something you can see. We try, but an internet diagnosis only goes so far.

I'll check it out when the rain stops.

What causes these things to die? Just usual wear and tear??

You want to look because it could be a bad bearing as well.

Consider swapping the whole axle assy. WAY easier.
I'll check it out when the rain stops.

What causes these things to die? Just usual wear and tear??


A CV joint will usually only go bad if the boot rips. When it rips, all the grease inside is slung out, and the joint no longer has sufficient lubrication. It also gets contaminated with dirt and moisture. And if you have been running it like that for very long, you are better off replacing the entire drive shaft for that side, like P-Funk! suggested. Sure, you can replace just the boot, but it's a b****. And if the joint is worn out, you will be changing that also. And if you have a shop do the work, because of the labor involved in tearing down the axle, they may actually charge more than if they replace the entire drive shaft with a rebuilt one.