Warranty Lawyers

^^im sure mazda has plenty of lawyers, it's not like they have to hire a lawyer for each specific case which is how you make it sound, no offense..
A written denial notice still has not been faxed to me, so I'm a bit curious as to how they were so quick in verbally 'denying' the warranty but yet cannot simply fax a written statement to go with it.

I spoke to two attorneys today and was told not to discuss publically what we spoke about but we're waiting on that written statement. Without it in writing, they cannot enforce it and without in writing, we cannot use it in court. A verbal "contract", whether it be an initial agreement or a denial, is not held as hard "evidence" in court. So again, I'm a bit curious as to why they have yet to provide written documentation for their decision.

Also, the initial call consisted of Andrew Jabsen informing me it was denied due to a "fuel system modification". The calls I made back to him and the call MazdaUSA made to the dealership came up with "all of the modifications" and "just modified". Had the dealership been told to void the warranty due to the initial "fuel system modification", you'd think that reason would be held as a consistant one, instead of switching to "all of the modifications". I hope that makes sense..

In the end, I'm having a hard time believing that the dealership is voiding it due to modifications at all. I'm believing more that the dealership is covering for the tech since the work *was* done improperly and they're just looking for a reason.

That's my opinion, though.
cuz they know they can't prove that a fuel mod did this...lol, which is why they are trying to shift the blame to the rest of the mods in hope that they can bulls*** their way to making it believable that one of your mods created the problem...
mp5jeff said:
cuz they know they can't prove that a fuel mod did this...lol, which is why they are trying to shift the blame to the rest of the mods in hope that they can bulls*** their way to making it believable that one of your mods created the problem...
Just a question so I don't think I'm alone here..

What does a fuel mod, regardless of if it's a walbro intank pump or a new rail, have to do with a lack of transmission fluid problem created by a tech?
t3ase said:
Just a question so I don't think I'm alone here..

What does a fuel mod, regardless of if it's a walbro intank pump or a new rail, have to do with a lack of transmission fluid problem created by a tech?

your fuel mods have nothing to due with it. i think they are doing this so they don't have to admit that they ****** up the tranny.
Email has been sent to the service manager along with a few other email addresses I could find. I'll follow up with a written letter if this fails. Good times.
t3ase said:
Email has been sent to the service manager along with a few other email addresses I could find. I'll follow up with a written letter if this fails. Good times.
You want to e-mail bomb some people...

((Emails removed. That could be bad. They were noted, though))

Have fun.

One a related note, go and pick up your car from the dealer. Have them give you a copy of the service order with the reason the warranty was denied printed on it. That's your written documentation from them.

Then go home and send a certified letter to MazdaUSA advising them that they are in violation of your warranty rights and have 14 days to remedy the non-conformance. It will be VERY helpful if the tranny shop will include an affidavit of what they found when they opened it up. If Mazda doesn't respond to that, file a claim in state court for breach of contract and seek repurchase of the vehicle. They'll probably be calling you the next day.

I had to do it that way as the paint on my bumper was coming off. Dealer denied it as "impact" damage. Five hours after receiving my certified letter they were faxing me a release agreeing to pay the estimate I had sent to have the front of the car repainted.

They'll do the right thing when they understand you aren't gonig to play games with them.
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rodslinger said:
Understood... For everyone else, they can be easily found again if you do a search... This is also how I got them to fix the engine rattle in my P5. I e-mail bombed everyone for a week until they overnight shipped an updated ECU to my local dealer.

I think emailing that many people may be considered a bad thing in Mazda's eyes. At this point, playing nice yet remaining firm and following attorney advice is my best bet. If the email I sent happens to get forwarded to those people, I can't do anything about it. However, sending to every known Mazda employee I can kinda seems like a not so good idea, yanno?
if u take them to the small claims court and win, make sure u mention to the judge that u want to be reimbursed the court fees.
99% of judges will award you extra 200-300 bux extra for court fees.
t3ase said:
By the way; yet again a reminder for everyone:

Dealerships *do* read these boards.
(fu) (fuoops) (upyours) them all!

Just as they say:""this is the internet, you cant believe everything people say on the net."
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Okay, update time.. I'm limited in what I can say now due to the fact that I may end up going to court after all but for now, apparently the dealership manager has talked to a rep in Houston who is wanting to have a "Japanese inspector" come out and look at the car Monday or Tuesday. Why they need a Japanese inspector to come out and look at the car, I don't know. However, I did state that I need an answer by Wednesday at the latest, as I have two offices that are waiting for an answer from me before they begin to start charging.

Good times.