
2008 Mazda 3 sedan speed:)
i want to lower my car, anyone know of what kind i should get? or is anyone selling coilovers they dont use? any help is appreciated!
Thanks, Zoltan.
what are you looking for? if youre in the market for coilovers its a completely different ball game then just springs, how much do you have to spend
That statement is missing key information.
Depending on the springs you use and their rate, combined with stock struts or struts not made to handle such a spring rate, then yes you run the possibility of blowing your struts. However, the right combo might work out great for you, save you some money, and last you quite a few thousand miles.

And as A-sher said, coilovers put you in a whole nother ball game. Much more expensive as well. rougher ride too.

Question number one, is this your DD?
Question two, are you willing to sacrifice ride/comfort for performance/handling or does it not matter to you either way? Or what?
Answer 1 - yes it is my daily driver
Answer 2 - i would like to keep some cofort, if a little is lost in the lowering, well i already expected that...

My question to you is do you know of a good combo that would be better then coilovers?
Do you want something close to stock height or do you want an aggressive stance low or what? Are you running stock wheels? What price range are you aiming for?