Unfortunate domain names for (potentially) real companies


04 MSM #1089
* Pen Island - penisland.com
* Amgen Italia - amgenitalia.com
* Who Represents - whorepresents.com
* Experts Exchange - expertsexchange.com
* Mole Station Nursery - molestationnursery.com
Just checked them all...whorepresents.com and molestationnursery.com are real. The others are "nothing / placeholder" websites...the kind that you often see on sites that used to exist but the owner let the domain name expire without renewing. So at one time, maybe they all were real.

Molestation Nursery is really messed up.
what was so messed up about going on vacation to grow flowers. That sounds like a nive change of pace from gettin trashed at myrtle beach.
experts-exchange.com, however, is a real site. i go there often for IT answers sometimes. looks like they took into consideration what their domain name might look like ^_^