UMS-Tuning/Apex + AZMC = great day


2003 Laser Blue Protege5
UMS tuning/Apexmotorsports

On February 16, 2008 UMS Tuning opened up their shop to Arizona Mazda Club for a club dyno day.

My self and our event coordinator Jeff (Mazdamaniac) arrived early. Tony and Jeremy from UMS were already there getting the shop ready for the AZMC invasion.

Soon after, Sean (Hund) one of our other club officers arrived. We started organizing the line up and getting the paperwork in order. Hund being our club treasurer took care of the waivers and all the fees for the day. I stayed outside organizing the vehicles for the dyno day line up. AZMC club funds paid for the food while UMS provided us with a BBQ. AZMC members also brought food for all. We used the shelves with all the scrap motors to store all the chips, buns, condiments, cups, plates and doughnuts. Looked kind of funny to see a motor as a cup holder.

Tony & Jeremy from UMS Tuning / Apex Motorsports get a huge round of applause from Arizona Mazda Club for their undoubtedly above and beyond customer service.

I don't have the final head count of members that were there but we had 23 cars run on the dyno. We were there from 10 am to after 8 pm.

Trophies were presentedL
Most Smoke (dubbed most fire): Flashwing
Loudest: Unique8
Quietest: Drizz-oh
Least HP: Red Bomber
Biggest Surprise: Jspeed6
Most Consistant: titaniumMZ3
Most erratic: 09Factor

As President of the Arizona Mazda Club I want to personally thank UMS Tuning for their above and beyond customer service.

Bill (rednecks_r_us)

AZMC President.

Below are some quotes from AZMC members and a few pictures. After the dyno day we went to the Scottsdale Pavillions for a car show. Followed with dinner at Uncle Sam's in Scottsdale.

Big +1 For UMS. Tony just freaking rocks! Because of what the dyno showed us about the 8. I'm going back with Jeef in the next 2-3 weeks to dial her in..
I was expecting 200+ for HP but 242 Tq Hell yea !

This was my first event and all I can say is WOW. I was amazed at how easy going you guys (and girls) are. I ended up only speaking to a few of you but thats normally the way I am around a large group of people I've never meet. Everyone seams very knowledgable and laid back. I look forward to the next event that I can make it to and hope to meet some more of you.

My dews are paid and 1 meet down. Hoping to be a full member here in the next couple of months.

Thanks for the great afternoon and UMS for letting us have this at there facility.

Yes.... A BIG thanks to UMS.... They were bustin their rears to get all of us done. Now to the bragging rights....
270whp, 306wtq

awsome turnout and has a blast. big thanks to UMS again for bust'n ass on this all day

+1,000,000 to UMS. What a class act. Those guys were great. Tony was really active in giving tips to everyone and suggestions, and was impressed by some of the numbers we put down. Big thanks to UMS, they have earned my business!

To the bragging rights for me:
202-rwhp and 139 tq, running my full exhaust ;)

HUGE thanks to the UMS crew. 23 cars, thats amazing!! Hope to be at your shop again soon!!!

While I'm working on the rest of the's the shot of the day!!

HUGE thanks to Bill for scoring my first ever "flame" shot from my Rx8. I have sought this video or picture for a long time.






My favorite shot of the day!

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More pictures!!


Someone call Matt and tell him his Skyline is blocking one of the bay doors!


Yes, Bill's truck DID make a Pavilions appearance!







More funny stuff!!


Sean giving the speed 6 a blowing job!


Sue showing her son's pimped out van!


It's Tim and Sabrina!! Well, sort of...


The Chewy Chariot!


Tony and Jeff tinkering with Dave's turbo charged auto RX8.


Everybody got some attention yesterday!


Mmmmm eye candy!!




Don't be alarmed! It's just our President!

I didnt really get very many pics at all, but here is one of my car getting ready to dyno.


My results: 113.1 hp, 111 ft lbs torque.

I haven't uploaded any of my pictures so here are some attachments.


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More of my pictures. I brought my 1950 Chevy truck for this. But to unforsceen circumstances I was unable to dyno. UMS has promised me run on the dyno once they get all the adapters for my Chevy.

I am looking forward to it.


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It was a blast having you guys!

By far the most organized AND easy going group I have seen.

AZMC is always welcome @ UMS!

just give me some time to recover........ =)
A little post from our Club secretary

The Arizona Mazda Club held it's 2nd annual dyno day this time at UMS tuning here in Phoenix!


The dyno day is held each year as a means for AZMC members to put their cars to the test and see what kind of power they are putting on the road. This year was much larger than the last with nearly 24 cars seeing dyno time. A huge thanks to the crew at UMS for making this event possible.


The day started out around 10 am when members began arriving at the UMS facility. Mazdamaniac fired up the grill and provided food and drinks for the group while members gathered around the xbox 360 playing games from Forza 2, Need for Speed Pro Street and even some Call of Duty 4.


We ran the AWD vehicles first since they took the longest too hook up and were fewest in number. During this time, Jspeed6 took the award for "Biggest Surprise" as some trouble with his turbo kept his numbers lower than expected. Other awards were given to EVILTSTR for highest HP in his Speed3, lowest HP for Red Bomber in his P5, and loudest exhaust went to Unique8 in his RX8.


Flashwing was awarded "Most Smoke" dubbed to Most Flames for a dramatic flame shoot during his last dyno pull of the day. Drizz-Oh walked away with the "Most Quiet" award after pulling impressive numbers on his Mazda 6 and titaniumMZ3 was awarded "Most Consistant" for having the same results each pull.


The overall turnout was fantastic and the overall experience provided by UMS really brought the day together. AZMC also saw many new people come to the event which added to the overall great experience of the day. Pictures and video of this event have been posted so be sure to check them out!