two cars?


hey guys,

I've asked a similar question before but thought I'd get fresh opinions. i'm potentially looking at a different place of employment, which would increase my daily commute from approx 25 miles round-trip to 75 miles round-trip. I did some math and I think that equates to an extra $200 per month in gas.

would u recommend to continue driving the MS3 without worrying so much about the mileage, since after all the car is meant to be driven. or rather would u recommend picking up a second car, maybe like a hybrid or some other fuel-efficient car.... and then dealing with the additional insurance costs, excise tax, oil changes, etc.

thx! (band2)
I would only do that if you paid cash for the car straight up. Taking another loan isn't going to save you any money. Another 200 bucks is 2400 a year which you say is on top of your previous amount. Sounds like a lot of driving, I paid 1600 for gas total last year.

Buying a car that is under 2000 bucks would be the best if you did anything. Old Ford Escorts get in the upper 30's for MPG. But buying anything that is new is not going to save anything other than mileage on your speed3.
heheh, our 60 miles a day commute was my entire reason for buying this car! almost 30k and it's only a year and a half old!

actually, what sport6 says rings true, if you do decide on another car, get something super cheap, that you can pile the miles onto, assuming another note is not the answer.

we have a few vehicles, my tundra, which sits in the driveway until we travel together, or for boat towing or surf duties.

also have a 4-runner, but it stays home for my mother in law....

and the speed does the DD duty and picks up the slack. i'm going to catch up the tundra mileage quickly....
that's about ~20k miles a year, not too terrible, and if it is mostly highway i wouldn't sweat it; stick with a pretty safe and comfortable, and a very enjoyable car you already have.
buy a 1985 honda! 45 mpg with regular unleaded and they are bullet proof and really cheap.. usually can get them for about 500-800... extra insurance cost will not run you much.. and you can pretty much run them out of oil and they will still run! lol..
buy a 1985 honda! 45 mpg with regular unleaded and they are bullet proof and really cheap.. usually can get them for about 500-800... extra insurance cost will not run you much.. and you can pretty much run them out of oil and they will still run! lol..

+1. Stay away from another car loan because, as stated, all it does is keep the miles off the MS3. Seriously, when it comes to a beater, can't beat a Honda.

When I moved to Alaska, I put about 4500 miles on mine driving from Florida to Alaska; up and down the Rockies several times; over a span of about a week and a half. Then left it sitting in Alaska when I moved back to Missouri. When I dug it out of the snow after about 8 months of sitting, the fucker started right up. It was the most dependable car I have ever owned.....and I beat the s*** out of it.

Sorry for my rant, but I think for what you are looking for, an older honda would be perfect; and can be had for very cheap.
I have been considering something similar for the same reason. I very much want to garage and spoil the MS3 and keep it for fun driving and off the roads in the winter. I drive 85+ miles a day. Got the car in sept 08, it currently has a little over 42k on it.

Don't get me wrong, I would still drive the ms3, a lot, I just don't want to keep the miles off it. When its at 7:30 in the morning, when i can hardly see straight and am packed in with cars on all sides I dont need the all the glory of the ms3.

But then times like last weekend when I ran up to Manchester NH and was cruisin up rt 3 well thats what I need it for :)
It's a glorified economy car, not a Ferrari 250 GT California that you wipe down with a diaper. Drive it.
It's a glorified economy car, not a Ferrari 250 GT California that you wipe down with a diaper. Drive it.

Hey Kain, if I owned a Ferrari 250 GT I would still drive her like it owes me 10$ lol. I have a beater car but when I drive it I say to myself "Hey I own a Speed3 why the heck am I driving this pos" lol. So I just keep the beater car as an emergency car or for quick travels. 90% of my driving time is to and from work. So why not drive the Speed3 and have fun. It's like my co-workers who wears expensive real comfortable shoes on weekends and a pos shoes at work through out the week where they'll be doing most of their your walking. I don't get it.
One smaller reason I bought a bike is so my car can sit home in the garage and not take all the crap of the daily commute. At my last fill up, I'm getting 56mpg. If I keep it long enough and ride it everywhere instead of driving, it'll pay for itself eventually!
One smaller reason I bought a bike is so my car can sit home in the garage and not take all the crap of the daily commute. At my last fill up, I'm getting 56mpg. If I keep it long enough and ride it everywhere instead of driving, it'll pay for itself eventually!

It's amazing how much mpg you can get out of a bike.(headbang)
I bought a Focus as a daily driver for my Mustang. Was a superb car for the money and I sold it for what I paid for it. I replaced the Focus with an MS3 which still gets great gas mileage as far I'm concerned. But seriously, a older used car with plenty of life on it still is a great option to have during bad weather, long drives, or grocery getting. I just make enough money now to use my Speed3 for that purpose instead of an old Focus.