Tuning the beast


2003 MSP
As some of you guys know the Protg, P5, MSP and 626 ECU's are Ford EEC-V models. Vary tunable if we were talking about it being in a Ford. But Mazdas programming has proved to be uncrackable or at least not with the resources/ companys don't see a profit in us. Especial for retail, our numbers are not there. I just can’t give up There is something really special about all the variations of the Mazda Protg and all the iterations it has taken on including the First MazdaSpeed. The time and money we put into our Mazda’s to keep them on the road and to make them faster than the economy box they were designed to be.
I would like to make this thread a stocker ECU only as I think will all know that the stocker tends to eventual fight piggy back systems and some people just do not want to modify the derivability of their car or cannot due to emissions, so please be respectful of this.

It can’t hurt to try a few things we need to be the respectful squeaky wheel here. I am going to find a site or something for gathering signatures on a petition to Mazda to do something for our community. Our cars are out of warranty and we will never see a better map from Mazda.
1. Release to our community the EEC-V code/maps open source. The last model Mazda used it in was 13 years ago.

2. Release to our community with the algorithm to modify the current maps. With the proper equipment we could reflash just like at the dealer.

3 release to our community all pids for Mazda Protgs ranging model year 1999-2003. I use torque and dashcommand and would love to know everything that the engine is doing including when Vics is opening and closing.

Any help in wording the petition would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking it would be like this
Name, state, Mazda vehicle history.
IE “Chris blank Oviedo, Fl 2001 Mazda Protg ES 2 laser blue 2003.5 MasdaSpeed Protg production #### and ####”

The profit would be nil for the person modify the ECUs for MP3s, MSPs and any remainder running the stock ECU but I think together we can fix the maps and with the help of someone like “SpicyOrangeMSP” who has the equipment to flash I am sure that there could be a donation for the person flashing ECUs. I don’t think “SOMSP” has flashed enough ECUs to break even on the equipment but he bought it to help but he has been helping NA Protgs with the MP3 flash for some time. And I know there are others that would help.

2 more options.
I read about a guy removing his EPROM chip from his Mazda Miata and putting it in a reader that finds all the addresses on the chip and is in the process of making since to the binary data.
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