Tornado Fuel Saver

Protege 5
Check out this link for more info
I just ordered one of these. I had a freind that swears by it for his 1.8T A4. I almsot bought one for my old A4 2.8. I am going to wait for a while before I change the whole intake, and this should help out with some HP and MPG til then. I should have it in 7-10 days. I will follow up when I get.
I remember I post about this product like 6 months ago. And people were telling me it doesn't work and stuff. And there was also a website saying that the Tornado will actually damage your car or something.
Try the search button on tornado. Try a Google search for "Tornado Fuel Saver" for that matter. Ignoring their own page, it looks really bad.
Hehehe....Another Protege Owner saved from the clutches of evil by