To Flash or Not To Flash --T hat Is The Question

I haven't been flashed, but it's only cause I think the flash is a bad way of fixing the problem. If you're never going to raise boost or anything, get flashed.
Does your car hesitate? - THAT is the question. Apparently since you're not flashed yet, you don't have an issue with how it runs so I'd say no don't get the flash.
Every Mazdaspeed will "hesitate." We all have the same fuel maps. If you plan to modify the car, I would not get it flashed. If you're leaving it stock, go for it.

Unless you enjoy hesitation, black sooty deposits, puffs of white smoke, and an underperforming engine.

You can still modify your car with the flash. Stop the madness and all of the mis-information about the flash.

There is nothing wrong with this car that a little creativity and aftermarket parts won't fix.

if you have the hesitation and dont want to mod much. then yes.

.... btw this isn't exactly uncharted territory