To clean or not to clean

Move to a place with little to no winter. That's what I did, it's working out great! ;)
Winter is EVIL

Protege5 in the Summer vs. Protege5 in the Winter


Haha, I had NO IDEA we were going to wake up to snow this morning. I thought we were done with that for the year! Oh well... (dunno)
tell me about it, threw on my 17's sunday... and then it snows 2 inchs at my house monday morning... and then more again last night. The carnage on the roads today was hilarious though

So true. It's like when the first snowflake hits the ground, some people instantly go blind...

Richmond was bad, but then again, Richmond has a good share of inept drivers to begin with. ;)
Wash that thang! It will be warm this weekend and it finally rained real well to get the salt of the streets...

mmm clean. i *swear* the car runs better!(yupnope)