Tint law - Medical exemption


was reading the tint laws from this site that says this bout California: Medical exemption allows for tint or other shading material is allowed on the front side doors if it allows at least 35% of the light to go through, readily is removable and cannot be used at night.

wut does readily is removable means? like the material have to be removable at night? which means i cant use that as my excuses to get rid of my tint ticket?
Vicocola said:
which means i cant use that as my excuses to get rid of my tint ticket?


It has to be something similar to a children's clip on sunshade or removable vinyl film. You can not use this excuse to get out of a tint ticket. I saw a judge actually laugh at a guy who tried this in court. Just remove the tint, take it to the sheriffs station to have the ticket signed off and pay the fine, it won't kill you. Hopefully the cop marked the ticket as a correctible offense and it'll only cost you $10.