Ticking from motor, What is wrong?

That sir... sounds like you need a new engine!! The rod/piston is knocking and sooner than later the engine will prolly just lock up. When was the last time you did an oil change or checked the oil?
I dont really know what else to tell you then man... cause that does sound like a blown engine. Could be that you bought a bad engine that had already had a rod knocking. Did it just start doing this? Did it do it when you installed the motor?
Original engine, 85k on it. Just installed turbo 2 months ago with 7.5 PSI.

I let it sit all day yesterday, drove it home like a baby, no faster then 50 and short shifting from work and it didn't ping.
this very much sounds like a vics butterfly has come loose and is stuck in the intake runner (which was totally harmless in my case although i didnt think so at first when it happened LOL). this has happened to my engine few years ago. watch this video and compare for yourself and sorry about the color as i had the camera whitebalance set wrong.
<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid68.photobucket.com/albums/i20/yourmomblows/MVI_1382.flv">
I think you face the fact that you will have to take the intake manifold out to remove the loose one and he other 3 so your engine is balanced. you will lose some bottom end torque biut the car is completely drivable. the work wasnt too difficult to do for me and a friend but it did take a whole day to do and do right.
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this very much sounds like a vics butterfly has come loose and is stuck in the intake runner (which was totally harmless in my case although i didnt think so at first when it happened LOL). this has happened to my engine few years ago. watch this video and compare for yourself and sorry about the color as i had the camera whitebalance set wrong.

<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allownetworking="all" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf" flashvars="file=http%3A%2F%2Fvid68.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2Fi20%2Fyourmomblows%2FMVI_1382.flv" height="361" width="600">
I think you face the fact that you will have to take the intake manifold out to remove the loose one and he other 3 so your engine is balanced. you will lose some bottom end torque biut the car is completely drivable. the work wasnt too difficult to do for me and a friend but it did take a whole day to do and do right.

says video doesnt exist
sorry i must have screwed up the link when i pasted it from photo bucket. it works now.
<embed width="600" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" wmode="transparent" src="http://static.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid68.photobucket.com/albums/i20/yourmomblows/MVI_1382.flv">

The video doesn't aply to me (knock on wood) but thanks for posting it! It's an eye opener if I ever hear THAT sound!
yes its true. you dont want to hear a sound like that. im gonna be honest. i thought my engine was totally ****** when it happend to me and luckyly i was only a mile from where my friend lives and has tools so i left the car there and decided for 2 weeks what i should do. then i decided to take it apart myself as mazda would mostlikely not do anything about it. and cuz of this and other things wrong with my car since i got it i can surely say this is the last mazda i will ever buy.
and cuz of this and other things wrong with my car since i got it i can surely say this is the last mazda i will ever buy.
Got news for ya, they all have their problems of one kind or another. A completely trouble free car doesn't exist. Everything deteriorates with age, normal use and abuse..............enjoy the new set of problems with your next ride, they all have them. I'm sure it had nothing whatsoever to do with turboing it after xx,xxx miles either. Should've built the block up.
i understand mechanical parts wear out and expected things go wrong. what this car has is something unexplainable problems. I never had a oil pan rust on the outside like its been sitting in the bottom of the ocean for the last 7 years, i never had a transmission fail after 20000 miles of normal driving, i never had to remove an intake cuz the screws holding the butterflies inside it fall out and then possibly damage the engine and last but not least i never had a car where an alignment costs 400$ because the bolts that adjust alignment of the wheels totally freeze where a torch is needed to get them out and then put new ones in to align the wheels. those are not "expected" problems especially where these same problems happen to many other people with the same car.
Just sounds like youve had bad luck with this car... or bought a lemon. Cars/Parts are mass produced so say out of 4000 of the same model that is made.. 100 or so arent gonna be perfect. Turboing a nonturbo vehicle is gonna make the reliability of that car go down to some degree. And maybe the issue with the freezing alignment parts and rusting oil pan had something to do with the winter weather/salt you guys have in Jersey. IDK... Im just speculating.
My Protege5 has been running poorly for a few days and I replaced all the ignition parts and the EGR is fine. It seemed to help a little.

The engine is making a loud ticking noise this evening. Looks like it's my turn for the loose VICS intake butterfly valve.

Time to talk to Mazda about the TSB for this problem and get a repair estimate. Not sure I have the time to do this repair myself.
And maybe the issue with the freezing alignment parts and rusting oil pan had something to do with the winter weather/salt you guys have in Jersey. IDK...

Nope, Mazdas just rust really fast. Where I live more than half of the P5s I see have bad rust around the wheel wells. I'd say less than 25% of the toyota tercels I see have visible rust (keep in mind that they are at least 3 years older than any P5).
since my car is a 2003.5 year and the last of the protege 3rd gens its possible that they went cheap on the paint and didn't do a good enough paint job and didnt care much. but what pissed me off most is how mazda doesn't care about the rust. they guarantee the car only for the first 50000 miles or 4 years. my car hit 50000 after 3 years. transmission went out at 17 months after purchase and 23800 miles. and no i dont race or abuse the car. and no performance mods