The What Pissed You Off Today thread?


Mazda3s 5door
(deadhorse(eekfu)(chair)(smash)(protest)(fu)Took my car in Monday to get the rims balanced and yesterday evening I went home and washed my car because it looked horrible with all the rain/storms we had. I got done and started to dry off my rims and I was on my last rim and saw cuts/grooves in it. The F***ers drilled into my rim while either taking off my rim or putting it on. I stormed down to the business that did it to and they were closed. So I wake up extra early this morning so I could be there right when they open the door I talked to him as calm as I could and I made him go out there and look at it he said "oh we will just touch it up" WTF no he is not just going to touch it up you will still be able to see the grooves and how in the hell are they going to match the mat finish on my rims? I want my rims to look the exact same way they looked when I took them in. IM SO FREAKIN MAD RIGHT NOW........ I told them I do not want them touched up so they are calling in a professional to fix it I told the manager if its not to my satisfaction then they are going to have to take a different route which will be buying me a new rim! Sorry guys I truely need to vent I can NOT calm down.
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Hell yeah I would have done the same thing fuckers will try to get out of anything if you let them. I hope it works out for ya in the end.

And as far as venting taks as many posts as you need but you may want to hit up the" what pissed you off today" thread.
x2 on the "what pisse you off today" thread and I would go back and tell them that they owe you a new wheel...period and you are keeping the wheel they effed up as a spare. Even though they are calling a pro whose to say that a few months from now that it starts looking like s*** again and then you'll have no recourse with the shop.

Best of Luck!
Damn!! Good luck with everything Leslie. I saw your rims. They looked awesome. Good for you though, don't back down. Make them fix it to YOUR satisfaction for sure.
x2 on the "what pisse you off today" thread and I would go back and tell them that they owe you a new wheel...period and you are keeping the wheel they effed up as a spare. Even though they are calling a pro whose to say that a few months from now that it starts looking like s*** again and then you'll have no recourse with the shop.

Best of Luck!

Yeah X2 to this because CTt3P5 is right what about down the road. It should be replaced it was fine going in and should have been the same coming out. So don't back down because now its your time also that's being wasted going back and having to wait till it get fixed and it may not be good enough.
I just dropped my car off then went and got something to eat. I drove back by the shop to see if the professional guy was there to fix it and he was. He was working on it so I decided to stop and talk to him he said its really deep and he was able to feather it out but now he is going to try to get the paint to match. Im going to be very shocked if he is able to match it. Actually what makes me mad is they are hold back my time on getting my lip painted pink I was going to drop it off on tuesday because I have a big car show coming up on June 12th. So if they cant fix it and have to order another rim I will be sol on getting the rim before the car show!!!! As you all said im very scared that if they do fix it wont hold up years from now but the good thing is the company that is fixing it has a life warrenty. I will be keeping all my receipts and I took before picts. Thanks guys I need all the luck right now.

Sorry didnt know there's a thread for "what made you mad today" =( also want to apologize if im not making since im typing really fast cause the blood is pumpin'
It's all good. Def. keep all of those receipts and pics should an issues arise in the future. Good to know the pro offers a lifetime warranty, just hope you never have to use it. As for the new wheel, you could always make a big scene and tell them you want the wheel NOW and make them jump thru the hoops of making sure that it's delivered and ready to go before your show.

I hope this guy can work some magic and get the paint to match for you.
I already tired to new rim thing to start with and the manager said he has to go a different way first he has to get if fixed through the wheel company which I think is BS. I think I argued 15 minutes about it. I told him it would be much easier to just order a new rim then I would to have it fixed plus its going to be about the same price. DUMB A$$ PPL

If the paint dont match guess what NEW RIM! im not settling for nothing less!
hahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhaha GUESS FREAKIN WHAT! NEW RIM WILL BE HERE NEXT WEEK! They just called and said they could not fix it and the paint turned out like crap... Man if feels good being right =)
hahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhaha GUESS FREAKIN WHAT! NEW RIM WILL BE HERE NEXT WEEK! They just called and said they could not fix it and the paint turned out like crap... Man if feels good being right =)

I love that feeling

Good for you!!!
Thanks :) I went to a car show last night and everyone was happy for me that I stuck up for myself I'm like "duh it's my baby"

DAAANNNGGGG, Pinks!! As a moderator, seeing this thread title appear in my e-mail scared me a bit. I have been personally busy lately and didn't see it yesterday, but when I saw it today was expecting some kinda' flame war when I opened it.
Whew!! 'Glad it wasn't that, but don't scare the Moderator's like that. LOLz!!

Anyway, your wheels are fairly new anyway, aren't they? Glad it seems to be working out for you in the end.

DAAANNNGGGG, Pinks!! As a moderator, seeing this thread title appear in my e-mail scared me a bit. I have been personally busy lately and didn't see it yesterday, but when I saw it today was expecting some kinda' flame war when I opened it.
Whew!! 'Glad it wasn't that, but don't scare the Moderator's like that. LOLz!!

Anyway, your wheels are fairly new anyway, aren't they? Glad it seems to be working out for you in the end.

LOL sorry about that, that was the first thing that popped up in my head when I was venting. Im sure glad it all worked out but you could tell the manager was pretty upset when he had to order a new wheel and yes they are only a lil over a month old =( Going to go take my wheels off now and will be dropping 3 off to get painted tomorrow and then the 4th I will drop off on friday =)

Swede I agree. Maybe if its ok with the above moderater "bbrich" he can change the title and this can be the start of our own??? IDK just an idea.

Later going to go take off my rims now and smoke my reflectors =)

Ummmm..... I think that can be arranged, Rabbit? I think so...... (I'm a HUGE Bug Bunny fan. My personal cartoon hero... but it has to be '40's, '50's 'the best era', or '60's)

How's that?
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Now that we have a "new" thread, the title of which I am responsible for installing and for MazdaSwede creating, allow me to be the first to go "off-topic," so to speak.

What has pissed me off today, as most days, are preoccupied driver's. Driver's that would rather talk on their cellphones, text someone else about absolutely NOTHING PURPOSEFUL, and or watch video's while driving.
This is a dangerous habit that is growing by leaps and bounds, and these people are taking MY LIFE in THEIR HANDS without my permission.

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^AGREE! but not just my life my husband, mom, dad, grandma and other close family/friends. I honk my horn every time i see someone texting makes them look real fast sad thing is I know it doesnt teach them a lesson but it keeps there attention on the road til im able to pass them and get away.
