The Ohio Random Thread... aka We Should Probably Be Working

There's a girl that's a Mazda *****, Complaining that people call her a slut. Marlon said she needed to get her variable vagina timing checked....for slack. Lolol

Does her name start with B? :D

I don't know, but I think she has big 80085 ; ) and Tim has naked pictures of her. Oh the things I had to listen to hanging with the guys all day. I was the lowly woman of the group, but like Sho said, it was a fun time. If you don't mind hanging with me, I don't mind hanging with you! We played corn hole and Ryan and I won : ) and I won a basket of homemade jams and jellies in the raffle (I really wanted the $300 floor jack!!) , lunch was fun, Tim was entertaining, it was nice to see Ryan and John again and the ride home was twisty and scenic, but would've been more so, had it not decided to downpour as soon as we got off the highway onto 250 ... all in all, not a bad day.
Seems like a Facebook she lacks any self esteem and needs everyone's attention. It's too bad because she is cute. If Barney taught me anything, I'm going with daddy issues.
LOL! Barney teaching life lessons!
Possibly the best one...

Fatty passed e-check this morning at the DIY kiosk. I love those things... So easy and there's no way she would pass regular e-check being catless and loud as balls. :)