the new america...


2002.5 p5
nice, I wouldn't mind that. But we can throw Alaska in there too.

oh, and don't forget Hawaii.

May seem a bit stereotypical and what not but...

anyone notice how the "intelligent" states (Mass, CT, NY, etc) voted Kerry while states that typically rank near the bottom of... everything (AL,LA,MS, etc.) all went with Bush. Tell me that doesn't say something! I almost feel bad pointing this out (as if it's not obvious enough) but hey... there definitely is a significant disparity! yet another reason why we're all ******! Even those inbred hicks!
CHICO2003 said:

May seem a bit stereotypical and what not but...

anyone notice how the "intelligent" states (Mass, CT, NY, etc) voted Kerry while states that typically rank near the bottom of... everything (AL,LA,MS, etc.) all went with Bush. Tell me that doesn't say something! I almost feel bad pointing this out (as if it's not obvious enough) but hey... there definitely is a significant disparity! yet another reason why we're all ******! Even those inbred hicks!
Scroll down ;)
The South doesn't just vote Republican because of education...

I'm sad to say I'm moving back to the heart of Jesusland.
cbcbd... good stuff man. guess I missed that thread.

mx3... I'm all for giving them the benefit of the doubt but come on! pretty strong coincidence don't you think?
CHICO2003 said:
mx3... I'm all for giving them the benefit of the doubt but come on! pretty strong coincidence don't you think?
heh. I'd say its a mixture of educational, religious and economic factors. There isn't a distinct shift in ideologies between opposing areas, but the fulfillment of these ideologies is the difference.