The Liquid Platinum Metallic (30S) Thread

Here is a few of my own. im taknig some more pics this weekend once I wash the car :)

PS: I love everyones HR springs, they are my next mod.




EDIT!!!! Does anyone know our paint codes for the touch up paints they have a autozone, pep boys etc? I needed to do some touching up after my wash and wax :) thanks!
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ya, you can definitely use a lower on that bad boy. Nice ride. Looks almost like mine :) and the fact that it doesnt blend looks sexy :) haha
agreed!!!! Liquid Platinum always takes me by surprise with the different colors it turns in different lighting! nice ride man! I need to get me one of those antenas im still riding like an rc car with my stocker antena lol
Still love this color cleaned up. Like Coldspeed said, it really is a sharp and unique color for this car. Picks up red and blue hues from reflections better than any other color I've seen.
Man cmon my liquid platinum home dudes. Your slackin with pictures!

A few new pictures. Got the rack now and a new set of rims and tires. Dont like them as much as the te37 replicas but will have to do while i paint the replicas. :) ENJOY!

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Wow that's a pretty serious ms6 ^^. Looks cool, and interesting paint... looks like a sparkle orange-red? Nice.