Sucks I have bad news.


I just put back everything back to stock on my 2007 Mazdaspeed3 and is giving me a big problem Misfire. The reason is cause I got married 2 months ago and we a looking for a house. I have 5 months left and I will graduate from college.

After getting a house I dont know if I want a 2nd gen Mazdaspeed3 or the latest gen STI which one is better? I need you opinion.
Get yourself a STI. Hate to say it but I've been kicking myself ever since the first winter with this car, all the bull shyt rattles, creaks blah blah blah. one reason why I picked up a Forester XT, after this winter I'll probably be parting with the MS3 and add yet another Scooby to the family once again.
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I see it as $11,500 more gets you AWD and quicker 0-60 & 1/4 mile, but slower trap speed.
I decided to save the $11,500 since I live in SoCal and I am really glad I did.
get the sti !! awd is awesome. i had a first gen ms3 then switched to an ms6 and will never go back to a high horsepower fwd car ever again.
I see it as $11,500 more gets you AWD and quicker 0-60 & 1/4 mile, but slower trap speed.
I decided to save the $11,500 since I live in SoCal and I am really glad I did.

My choice as well. Instead of spending $11,500 more for a higher performance single car, I bought a second car that's already depreciated to a flatline (Miata).

Personally, I think that if you're looking for just a single all purpose car, the STI may be a good solution. Outside of the performance criteria, I'd ask: will the cargo space/seating be sufficient for your use? does the premium price of the STI fit into the budget?

Also, did you part out to sell the car, and need to solve the misfire issue first?
Sti if u can swing it next year im getting the evoX, and my wife is getting the sti...I really thought about the ms3 but I've had my share of fwd cars and I need awd now
personally id get a wrx.

the sti really isnt all the faster (not worth the extra 8k to me) and you still get AWD.
I just put back everything back to stock on my 2007 Mazdaspeed3 and is giving me a big problem Misfire. The reason is cause I got married 2 months ago and we a looking for a house. I have 5 months left and I will graduate from college.

After getting a house I don’t know if I want a 2nd gen Mazdaspeed3 or the latest gen STI which one is better? I need you opinion.

Depends on your end game. I passed up the STI for more interior volume and slightly more comfortable seats among other things. I have a family so my purchase needs are different from most.

Definitely drive the STI.
I'm getting rid of the car cause my debt ration is high for purchasing a house, after getting the house I will be done with college and have a better job.
So, what are you asking help for? Do you need advice on fixing the misfire? We'd need more info about mods and what you've changed back to help with that.

If you need advice on a new car, maybe wait until after you finish with college, have the house and better job. You'll know more then about what married life, home and job have in store for you and what kind of car you really need.

As a married guy with house and job, I can say that I really love the utility of the MS3's hatchback design as my daily driver. And with only about $1800 spent on modest mods in my sig, I can run 13.4 quarters at 106 and 40-120 mph in 12.5 seconds. That's not race car performance, but it ain't too shabby for a reliable daily driver with good gas mileage when I don't dip into the throttle. The grass is not always greener on the other side of the hill. STI's have their problems. Repair bills can be sky high when things go wrong with them, and they do.
I just neede help on the misfire but I fixed the problem it was air leaks. On the STI I just wanted your opinions.

Thank You everyone.
Well buying another car doesn't really save any money. so i say keep the ms3. especially if you are trying to save money.

i could see if you wanted to switch to a protege 5 or something like that. but switching to another turbo car doesn't really save money anywhere.
STI vs MS3

My boyfriend has the 2008 sti and I have a 2008 MS3, I love my car to pieces and there is no way I'd switch to an STI. The awd is just dandy but I dont feel like I'm missing out all that much, save the extra 11.5k and and spend it on some sweet upgrades. As for winter here in MA my car does great! I know some people complain but honestly the only problem was when I first got it in mid november after a snow storm and didnt have winter tires!!! It was a blast though =P
His car feels so chunky compared to mine, it puts the power down quick but I have no problem keeping up with him ;)

Cars-12 no license.jpg

Sorry its a crappy photo, I apparently was unaware of the camera; meticulously cleaning my car.
I'm keeping my Mazdaspeed3 but I have to put everything back: FMIC, down pipe, race pipe, exhaust manifold, SRI. Thank God.
I'm keeping my Mazdaspeed3 but I have to put everything back: FMIC, down pipe, race pipe, exhaust manifold, SRI. Thank God.

I'd keep it for another year or so before buying a new car, I made the mistake of buying an expensive new car (Audi S4) when I got married and bought a house, the monthly bills with a house are nearly always higher than what you expect. The "mistake" part of my comment is my total lack of self control when it came to tuning the S4, i.e. chip, downpipes, exhaust, bigger turbos, etc etc! If you have better self control, then you should be okay!
Jabba- thanks, and if I do get a STI i will get an 04 I always liked that model but not now that will be in the future.

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