Stupid f$%#ing cops!!

DAWIV said:
I'd go to the station and lodge a complaint. Even the most undereducated officer must be able to distinguish between a PA plate and an FL plate.

the big orange branch is a dead giveaway IMO.

Philly cops are the woooooooorst. I got stopped and waited 3.5 hours because they stopped 2 cars, and the other guy didn't have insurance so they towed him..
I have to agree with DAWIV here. While you DO deserve an apology, you have t look at it through his eyes. The cop got a call to look out for a car with plates that read G-BERRY. Now most likely they also told him it was a FL plate, but people make mistakes. He might have been a little hard on you but that was to make sure you and him both come out alive. What if it was your car that was stolen and he stopped the guy. Would you rather the cop walk up and get spooked and unload his 9mm in your car? Or be a dick and make the person through the keys out. He also did the right thing by waiting for back up. So far though, from you accounts they ****** up by coming up on the same side as him. When we were trained for U N security, you are supposed to come up on the passenger side to back up the other officer. Crossfire is a b****!

But like I said, he should have apologized to you. But they do have a job that if they make just one mistake it can lead to death. So cute the guy a little break.
(headshake crap happens but they should have apologize profusely!! no excuse!(glare)
personally i'd be more pissed off at the person who has the same personalized tags as me. that's just foul.
WOW! seems like they were ready to throw you out of the car! Granted, cops have to be careful, but i think they over reacted a little here.
i don't think they over reacted, i just don't think they dealt with it very well once they found out they had made a mistake. the reason why they pretend like they did nothing wrong is so that they don't give the motorist the idea that there could be a possible lawsuit because of admission of guilt.
I understand that people make mistakes. After all, it's not like the tag 'G-BERRY' is exactly something a lot of people go for.

But still, the simple fact that there's a distinct difference between a Pennsylvania license plate and a Florida license plate .. C'mon. Honestly.

And all I wanted was a simple, 'Hey look, I'm sorry.' Or something like that. But the fact that he was pompous and told me, "I guess you're free to go." .. Don't ******* tell me I'm free to go, AND make it sound like you're doing me a favor, when YOU are the one that made the mistake!

THAT is what got me so pissed off. Not the mistake (we all make them), and not even how the situation was handled. After all, I COULD have been a car thief .. Who says that car thieves can't be little girls? LOL. But that nobody made an apology for scaring the absolute hell outta me. take on this is that cops are overreacting everywhere and always have. Just look at the fatal shooting in New York (I think), where one black guy was shot 50 times! I realize a need for public safety, but hate American Law enforcement. Lived in Asia for years...we could take a lesson or two. Just my .02....Sorry bout your ordeal Rush...
Holy s***. I would have been a nervous wreck after that. I know they were doing thier job, they made a stupid mistake, but just saying something as simple as 'sorry for the mix up' would have definetly helped.

now you know there is another G-berry in Florida, who doesnt have a car anymore.
Rush - you're a girl? Pics?


Seriously though, that's beat. He couldn't even be a man about it and say "sorry abou the mix up / almost shooting you / being a douchebag and not listening to you when you said it was your car".
Rush said:
I understand that people make mistakes. After all, it's not like the tag 'G-BERRY' is exactly something a lot of people go for.

But still, the simple fact that there's a distinct difference between a Pennsylvania license plate and a Florida license plate .. C'mon. Honestly.

And all I wanted was a simple, 'Hey look, I'm sorry.' Or something like that. But the fact that he was pompous and told me, "I guess you're free to go." .. Don't ******* tell me I'm free to go, AND make it sound like you're doing me a favor, when YOU are the one that made the mistake!

THAT is what got me so pissed off. Not the mistake (we all make them), and not even how the situation was handled. After all, I COULD have been a car thief .. Who says that car thieves can't be little girls? LOL. But that nobody made an apology for scaring the absolute hell outta me.

I got a buddy that both parents are cops and hanging with him so much I've gotten comfy with cops. I tell them straight how I feel. I got pulled over once going 98 in a 75 and the cop didn't even have to flip on his lights I was already pulling over. When he came up and asked why I had been going so fast in such hard rain(Florida) I said....Well i'm feeling ballsy since I got new tires yesterday and want to get to work a bit early so I can hang out for a little while. He looked at me in shock, laughed then gave me my ticket.

Overall it's tough to tell what cops incentives are. Sorry to hear that, I had a bad experience on my 18th birthday. Got searched and all since I was driving without a license and not my car down the street. He thought I was trying to rob a place since I parked in a dark alley. I was with a girl in the car in a dark alley what was he thinking? Then he searched to try to bag something on me or her but nothing I was clean obviously and he then HAD to tell me "oh you're lucky you didn't do anything stupid cause now that you are 18 you would've gone to the real jail were all the sexual offenders are. They love little boys like you." I was in shock after that and decided I would never let a cop talk to me how he wanted, made sure I let him now how I felt. Ever since then I tell them how I feel and take whatever they want to try to throw at me.(enguard)
Hey chick...sorry to hear you had to go through that. You should call the station just to let them know the rudeness the officer displayed. Yes, the cop(s) made a mistake, but they also scared the bejeesus out of you. Once they knew an error had been made, an apology would have gone a long way at making things a bit better for you.
hey cindy ( i dont know if thats your name im goin off what another person wrote)
well im a cop and he did everything he was supposed to do according to procedures when you are dealin with a stolen car.. becuase thats a major crime... HOWEVER
you need to talk to go make a complaint with the precinct and describe what happened in full detail.. and ENSURE that you state since that incident you have had alot of emotional stress and trouble sleepin because this has had such an impact on your life... and just stick to that and you will be able to get some kind of settlement for suffering and distress to an incident related to the department..... and if they dont watn to work sometihn out with you.. then talk to a lawyer and see what they say to do.

thats just my advice that i would do if i wasnt a cop and that happened to me. he made a mistake becuase he did not run the tags correctly so its up to you at this point what to do. hope i helped
Sorry to hear about that Cindy, it sucks. Philly cops do suck, i had six cop cars and a paddy wagon when i got pulled over last time. And all of this beacuse i was suposedly driving carelessly. I hope as time passes you feel a little better.
DeadGeneration said:
good thing your not a black male, you'd be dead :)

LOL, That was the first thing that came to my mind!

I pictured myself in that situation, and I probably would have s*** a brick. I don't care what anyone says about Philadelphia cops. I got pulled over three times, and each time I felt like I was treated like I was a run away slave. And I am probably the most harmless, friendliest black person you'll ever meet.

Anywho, back on topic. I am sorry to hear this Cindy. Like everyone is saying, I would file a complaint.

Did you at least make it to the bar?
Rush said:
I understand that people make mistakes. After all, it's not like the tag 'G-BERRY' is exactly something a lot of people go for.

But still, the simple fact that there's a distinct difference between a Pennsylvania license plate and a Florida license plate .. C'mon. Honestly.

And all I wanted was a simple, 'Hey look, I'm sorry.' Or something like that. But the fact that he was pompous and told me, "I guess you're free to go." .. Don't ******* tell me I'm free to go, AND make it sound like you're doing me a favor, when YOU are the one that made the mistake!

THAT is what got me so pissed off. Not the mistake (we all make them), and not even how the situation was handled. After all, I COULD have been a car thief .. Who says that car thieves can't be little girls? LOL. But that nobody made an apology for scaring the absolute hell outta me.

Sorry to hear about that. Its a little nerve racking for everyone when they get pulled over so I can't imagine what that was like. I agree with you and everyone that cops need to take precausion and do their job, but were definitly owed an appoligy. He was probably so embarrassed he didn't konw what to do.

Hope the rest of the evening and party was better for you.
Maybe he is too macho to say "I'm Sorry". Would have been the right thing to do IMO. I would file a complaint as well. Hope the rest of your night went well.