starting problems


06 blk wrx wagon
heres the scenario: this has happened 4 times in the past two months...i get into my car, try to start it...nothing happens, except for the a/c fan blowing and the radio turning on....the engine doesnt turn over or anything, i try to start a few times after and nothing...wait like a half hour and starts up like nothing happened...does anyone have input on why my p5 is doing this...and yes iam pushing down on the clutch!!!thanks
mine did that when i first got it.. something about a faulty fussible link.. i dont know what that is or where its at.. but maybe if you mention it to the dealer they will know what you are talking about..
good seeing your still around man. -=P
Rawny12017 said:
heres the scenario: this has happened 4 times in the past two months...i get into my car, try to start it...nothing happens, except for the a/c fan blowing and the radio turning on....the engine doesnt turn over or anything, i try to start a few times after and nothing...wait like a half hour and starts up like nothing happened...does anyone have input on why my p5 is doing this...and yes iam pushing down on the clutch!!!thanks

Hey there, It a bolt or something with the engine. I had this problem last summer took it to the dealer they fixed for like 80 bucks. I cannot elaborate on the bolt or what ever it is. He told me if it happen again to start it in neutral and it should start. He also mention this happen in hot/humid weather. Sorry, if i am unable to completely answer the question.
I've read that a faulty fuel pump grounding can cause that. Sometimes temperature influenced.

Never read that for a P5 though.
Starting problem -- Wow this is exactly my problem!

Hi Guys,

You just described to a T what is happening with my Protege5 - did anyone actually determine what the cause of this bizarre behavior was?

If it is the fuel pump combined with a grounding problem can someone guide me to what I should be looking for (i.e. look for a corroded bolt in this location etc...)?
