srt4 forum- they proved my point

i dont under stand the point..

and if your parents want to help you out on something there is nothing wrong with that..
since when is there a punishment for success?
as most of you may realize it is very hard to get a loan when you are young..
i couldnt even get a 5 grand loan without a cosigner..

now every srt owner that read that will have a negative connotation towards mazda owners..
exactly, dont hate their parents for helping them. when you guys are parents, wouldn't you guys do anything for your children if you could? I know i would. theres nothing wrong with that. go to any other car forums and you'll probably see the same thing.
So who cares if ur parents hook u up? I had that luxary for a while and for the last two years I've been on my own for everything. Why bring someone down for it...unless ur some rich yuppie with a brand new bmw who the **** cares...Hey pd where's our partial refund for that groupbuy you organized a while back? There seems to be a lot of mods on your car these days...
Cellerator said:
when you guys are parents, wouldn't you guys do anything for your children if you could? I know i would. theres nothing wrong with that. go to any other car forums and you'll probably see the same thing.
Exactly...I may not be able to say I grew up poor, but there was definately a few years there where we were. Dirt poor. But you know what? I'm a better person because of it. It makes me appreciate the things that I do get to buy myself. My dad raised me and my brother on his own, while trying to get out of the debt my mom left him in when she walked out on us. I could only HOPE to be able to provide for my kids the way my dad had for us. And if I can do any better, I will. Granted I won't just give my kids everything, but I will do what I can to help them get the things that they want.
And some of you have the nerve to make fun of someone for having parents like that are willing to help them out like that?
jophus14 said:
i think he is trying to say that most people that drive a SRT-4 are about 17 or 18 years old, with no established credit and probably come from a family were mom and dad bank, so they will dish out money or co-sign and help pay for the neon. All i see around here are young kids driving "STOCK" srt-4 neons and think their s*** don't stink. NOT saying that all SRT-4 drivers are this way, just around the Illinois area.

seems like THE ONLY people to get the joke were the guys who can have fun... the illinoises people. shiat. btw, jophus14 hit it right on the head.

just relax folks, dont take it personally.... just sit back, and grin?
pdhaudio83: the srt4 is a fast ass car.
pdhaudio83: i half like it
Jonboy688: yeah
pdhaudio83: and its just a generalization.
Jonboy688: i know
pdhaudio83: geesh.