Spool Springs- Before and After Pics


Springs in the box

Side View Before

Side View After

Front Wheel Before

Front Wheel After

Real Wheel Before

Real Wheel After
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Aw man, I can't wait to get mine on! Looks rad, nice job. Did you install them youself?
No, I didn't install them myself. I had a shop that races in all the Speed GT series races put them in for me. Guess what....They put my rear ones in upside down !!! .:wtf: (pissed) (gun) I come home and planed on taking my wheels off and painting my calipers silver, so when I go to take the wheels off I realize that the lugnuts aren't even finger tight. I could actully remove several of them without using a socket wrench. What a bunch of retards! I hope they put the proper ones in(front and back) where they go.

I need spoolin or atleast someone that knows about this stuff. Which ones go in the front? The long ones or the short ones? And verify for me that the more compact coils go at the top, because right now, they're at the bottom.

I'm getting my money back tomorrow morning. I'm sooooo pissed!