Solutions: Contacts in Blackberry Q10 / PC doesn't recognize SD Card

2015 CX-5 GT AWD w/Tech
Good day,

I am an excited new owner of a 2015 CX-5 GT - yesterday. Had a few tech issues that I talked about in the lounge and am posting this to hopefully make it easier to find the solution if it happens to you.

PC does not recognize Nav SD Card

My Windows XP PC could not recognize the NAV SD card. Turns out my PC is old and doesn't recognize SDHC. The easy fix was to purchase a card reader from Best Buy for 14.99 (link).

There is also a problem with XP not recognizing cards over 4GB or SDHC. If you kept up with the service packs it would have been fixed. Otherwise can get it from Microsoft (link)

Bluetooth doesn't download contacts / Contacts do not show up

The Blackberry Q10 won't show all contacts if your adminstrator has limited this feature (Blackberry Balance). They need to allow the sharing of the "Work" contacts with the Bluetooth, otherwise it only recognizes personal contacts keyed into the phone. The problem is the old blackberry combined all this and to rekey 100's of contacts is just nuts. So I am going to ask the adminstrator tomorrow to take a look at this and hopefully get the policy changed a bit.
