sold my mazda 3 ms. considering CX-7


Mazda 3 MS sedan
i sold my lovely mazda 3 because the area i live sometimes flood and i need something taller.. i was reading all the sites and im considering getting one.

How is the Performance on this baby?..

Cant live without the zoom zoom
the perfomance is the best!!! nice and fun turbocharged engine and the handling is like a sports sedan so is worth to get it!! I won't change the cx-7 oever the lexus,or the RDX
Be sure to read about the threads regarding the gas mileage, CELs, and the lack of ipod integration.. Although the last 2 i've mentioned already have solutions (thumb) ...
i was reading about all thos problems and the ipod one is easy to fix.

when i get to the dealer ill check the build date and most of the problems should be ironed out.
i am having second thoughts about getting it .. i have to check with the dealer if the problems are fixed (but they probably tell me they are fine because is a sale)

ill keep checking because 33k is not easy to come by
u shouldn't be paying a dime over invoice for whatever model you choose . .these things arent selling to to well, matter of fact, one dealer near me sells them at invoice right off the bat. dont be stuck on that window sticker or let it push you away from the vehicle. if the dealer you are negotiating with right now is being difficult, move on, cuz the next one will send this thing off the lot at invoice maybe lower
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how can you say that the cx-7s are selling well??? Here in S florida is selling damm good !!! is selling way better than the RDX the rival LOL!!!
Go for it....I came out of an RX 8 and just love the way this car handles and it has plenty of zoom, zoom....felt faster then my automatic RX 8 actually! I also drive a Mustang V6 convertible and the hubby has a Mariner and my CX 7 kicks butt over those in all aspects. You will love it!! You can work dealers on an Invoice deal and what a great bargain it is!!
spike blue said:
how can you say that the cx-7s are selling well??? Here in S florida is selling damm good !!! is selling way better than the RDX the rival LOL!!!

The CX-7 vs. RDX thing must vary geographically. My boyfriend lives in New York City and looked at both cars - the Mazda dealer wouldn't go below MSRP (said the CX-7 was selling like crazy) but he managed to get the RDX for 100 over invoice. Here in NoVA they were willing to give me the CX-7 for 100 over invoice (although they all tacked on some $300 'advertising fee'), and I actually ended up getting it slightly below invoice in PA - the dealer there said he's having a hard time selling them. From what I've heard the RDX is selling for closer to MSRP here, and I certainly see alot more of those on the road than I see CX-7s.

Anyway, if you have a hard time finding a good deal, call around to several dealers. If you don't mind driving a couple hours to get it, you can save yourself a lot of money!!
tomorrow i am going to go in a dealer hunt all around the island to see if i can get a better deal. 33k is with taxes here in Puerto Rico.

and i am going to check the FJ Cruiser because my wife want to c it but the FJ looks like a lego car.

Personally i like the CX-7 better.
The CX-7 moves decently in my home town. The dealer I purchased mine at was moving 30 or so per month. Of course, they sell them at invoice price plus $500 as their normal price. No negotiations needed.

Like everyone has indicated, shop around, there are some dealers that are willing to deal and others that are not.
spike blue said:
how can you say that the cx-7s are selling well??? Here in S florida is selling damm good !!! is selling way better than the RDX the rival LOL!!!

and you know this how?
1killercls said:
and you know this how?

CX-7s are selling pretty well in S. Florida. I spoke with several dealers when I was looking to purchase and they all said the same. The dealer that I bought from had about twenty-five on the lot and did not seem overly concerned about pushing them out the door. The finance guy who helped me in signing the paperwork commented off the cuff that they were selling "a lot of these lately".

Informally, I can say that I see at least 5-6 of them on the road daily, which to me seems like a lot. Can't say the same for the RDX, as apart from trips to the dealership, I've only seen about 2-3 total on the road...
SuperStretch18 said:
CX-7s are selling pretty well in S. Florida. I spoke with several dealers when I was looking to purchase and they all said the same. The dealer that I bought from had about twenty-five on the lot and did not seem overly concerned about pushing them out the door. The finance guy who helped me in signing the paperwork commented off the cuff that they were selling "a lot of these lately".

Informally, I can say that I see at least 5-6 of them on the road daily, which to me seems like a lot. Can't say the same for the RDX, as apart from trips to the dealership, I've only seen about 2-3 total on the road...

what you see has nothing to do with market share. Lets get some real data. :)
Here in NewEngland, i can walk out the door and buy a 7 at invoice. The RDX are becoming permanent parking spots at the dealers - they are offering 1.9 and 3.9 apr on those things and are selling under invoice. Obviously, sales geographically will alter a sales price, but bottom line, the overall sales figures compared to popular counterparts such as a CRV, RAV, Highlander, Murano etc the RDX and 7 dont fare that well. The thing with the Mazda is that if you try a mega dealership that will carry its American buddies likeFord, Mercury Lincoln, they will move more on the price - the 7 is in part American and american cars are alwayssss discounted. If the 7 is selling like hot cakes in your part of town, then, ur gonna have more difficulty w/o question

In light of this convo, i was hoping my 7 would turn out to be a lemon given everything that has happened to it, because the RDX is such an attractive option now that they cant sell them where i live, i got a price of under 31 with a much better APR, which if that was offered to me last sept, i would have bought the Acura.
1killercls said:
what you see has nothing to do with market share. Lets get some real data. :)

Right, but the question was about how they are selling in S. FL. Below are the US sales stats for both through March 2007:

Mazda North American Operations - March 2007
Month-To-Date Year-To-Date
March March % March March %
2007 2006 Change 2007 2006 Change

CX-7 4,221 -- N/A 9,940 -- N/A

American Honda Vehicle Sales For March 2007
Month-to-Date Year-to-Date March
2007 2006 % Chg. 2007 2006 % Chg.
RDX* 2,424 0 6,256 0
I don't believe what the dealers say...they always say the car is selling well so they can get a better price out of you. I am starting to see more and more Cx 7's but I think I see more RDX's out here. Love Acura's but I don't like the looks of the RDX on the outside...looks smashed and small but inside appears nice. Ah, I don't care who sells more really...I do actually like having a rare car that is not everywhere like my RX 8. CX 7 is a great value though!