So I got pulled over last night...


For the long weekend I drove down the LBI, on the Jersey shore. After sitting on the Garden State Parkway for 2+ hours 35 miles into my 400mi trip, I finally got back into Burlington around 3AM. Thinking to myself, there can't possibly be many cops out labor day 'night' on a national holiday at 3AM in the morning, I was happily cruising down a 30mph road about a mile from my house. And then, BAM, laser. As soon as I head my radar detector go off, I saw the cop. CRAP. He followed me for a couple minutes before pulling me over.

When he came up to my car, he asked me if I knew how fast I was going, where I was coming from, yadda yadda. He said I was going 44 in a 30, or a $180 ticket in VT. anyway, after BS'ing with him a little explaining that I've been in the car for the last 10 hours, he took my info and came back with a written warning.

Anyway, long story short, after he gave me a warning, he told me to be careful and that "I have a fast car on my hands." Knowning already that he was pretty cool, I said" Oh, you know about the Mazdaspeed?" He said, "Oh yeah, definitely, that thing sounds mean from behind!" I almost said, "oh yeah, I took out one of the cats and put in a new midpipe" but I bit my tongue knowning that its against the law to modify emissions equipment (laugh)

Wow, who woulda known? A cop that cut me a break because I drive a MS3...
Seems cops recognize these cars. The short time having this car, I've noticed being noticed. I thought with it looking like a mazda 3 and the dark gray color, I'd have a sleeper. Well, cops are trained to notice things and probably keep an eye out for mazdaspeeds.
good for you man... similar situation I got pulled over in ME on my way to bar harbor almost midnight I think I was on rt 3 past ellsworth. I had been in the car for over 5 hrs after a long day of work too. Someone called me in for "passing at excessive speed" Guy pulled me over and he goes well some ppl around here don't like red cars with loud exhausts with out of state plates. I didn't see you speeding so I can't give you a ticket but you got form point A to point B awfully quick." He could see I was on my way to vacation and had a car full of suitcases. Let me go on a verbal warning.

What really happened was yes I passed at excessive speed only briefly. 2 cars in front of me. Every hill one car got in the "slow" lane the second car sat in the "passing" lane for miles upon miles. Finally as soon as the opportunity presented itself I didn't hesitate and I passed both cars. Car in front of me floors it and rides my bumper with high beams on I'm like WTF guy finally found his accelerator? Not looking for trouble as I have planed on a relaxing trip ahead of me I accelerated briefly to demonstrate I could roast him at will. He finally slows down and about 10 miles later I'm pulled over LOL.
That drives me up the wall - long winding roads that some cars have a problem with keeping up with the pace. But I don't mind that because I would rather have them drive at their own pace than drive dangerously. But low and behold a passing lane opens up on an uphill and suddenly their car is going 10 over. So you either don't pass knowing full well they're going to hold you up for the next 10 miles or pass them doing 20 over.
you're lucky, some cops are nice, mosr ARE NOT.

it was also September 1st and a holiday... had it been the day before that it would have been the "end of the month" and you may not have gotten off so lucky ;) You were very fortunate, good story!

Years back I would have gotten a "noise violation" ticket for bumping my stereo too loud. But the cop let me off because I was bumpin Metallica and he said "at least you're playing something good and not that rap crap everyone else bumps" Some cops are cool I guess
yeah i thought that by getting a speed3 id be more sleeper and less obvious than like an sti or evo...
I can assure you I have not found any since. Frankly I think some are stickin' it too me now.
good for you man... similar situation I got pulled over in ME on my way to bar harbor almost midnight I think I was on rt 3 past ellsworth. I had been in the car for over 5 hrs after a long day of work too. Someone called me in for "passing at excessive speed" Guy pulled me over and he goes well some ppl around here don't like red cars with loud exhausts with out of state plates. I didn't see you speeding so I can't give you a ticket but you got form point A to point B awfully quick." He could see I was on my way to vacation and had a car full of suitcases. Let me go on a verbal warning.

What really happened was yes I passed at excessive speed only briefly. 2 cars in front of me. Every hill one car got in the "slow" lane the second car sat in the "passing" lane for miles upon miles. Finally as soon as the opportunity presented itself I didn't hesitate and I passed both cars. Car in front of me floors it and rides my bumper with high beams on I'm like WTF guy finally found his accelerator? Not looking for trouble as I have planed on a relaxing trip ahead of me I accelerated briefly to demonstrate I could roast him at will. He finally slows down and about 10 miles later I'm pulled over LOL.

Passive-aggressive drivers FTL!!!
ive been pulled over for my stock exhaust... which is making me now want to put an aftermarket one on :(
Hey opt_ms3,

I just wanted to pass something on to you just for FYI. I have google alerts set up because I am a moderator for and have certain words that google searches for so I can post news stories on that forum, anyway "Written Warning" is one of them and I saw your story.

Anyway I wanted to let you know, that a ticket might have been better than a "written warning" Heres why.... " When you get a "written warning" it stays in that departments computer forever! Unlike a ticket that can be tossed, fixed, ect. and drop out of their system.

Now each and every time you get pulled over the officers on that department will be able to see that you got a warning once for speeding and have a greater chance of ticketing you since you got warned once!

Just wanted to let you know because I got a written warning a few months ago and know how they use the written warnings against you.

seems like its better to maybe get a speeding ticket later, than to HAVE a speeding ticket now. (or something like that)
Hey opt_ms3,

I just wanted to pass something on to you just for FYI. I have google alerts set up because I am a moderator for and have certain words that google searches for so I can post news stories on that forum, anyway "Written Warning" is one of them and I saw your story.

Anyway I wanted to let you know, that a ticket might have been better than a "written warning" Heres why.... " When you get a "written warning" it stays in that departments computer forever! Unlike a ticket that can be tossed, fixed, ect. and drop out of their system.

Now each and every time you get pulled over the officers on that department will be able to see that you got a warning once for speeding and have a greater chance of ticketing you since you got warned once!

Just wanted to let you know because I got a written warning a few months ago and know how they use the written warnings against you.


ouch. I guess I'll be watching my speed carefully around town from now on
ouch. I guess I'll be watching my speed carefully around town from now on

Don't $hit where you eat ya know... its good to watch yourself in this car BUT they'll be watching you like a hawk happened to my buddy he works and lives in the same time and the cops are always sitting at the end of his street and at our work at least it seems that way ... maybe they're waiting to get me! (drive2)
lawl i was showing a couple kids my car at school i was parked like a tard and a cop came in and said he woulda wrote me a ticket had it been any other performance car