smoking the mags

Dexter said:
"smoking the mags with cans of paint"

give me a ******* break.

well, i immediately thought that painting the wheels was what he meant when i read his post... oh well.

i think i linked "smoking the mags" to smoking head/tail lights - infering a painting process.... heh. :D

besides, it was more the attitude you guys gave him that was weird. he was obviously asking a question, asking for help, and instead of helping him, you say that his thread is crap. :wtf:
The first post asked "what the hell are you talking about?"...obviously he needed to clarify what the hell he was talking about...Smoking the Mags? Our "wheels" are not made of magnesium, nor are they "magnums" in muscle car sense...and I never in my life assocaited "smoking" with "painting"...

I thought the thread was involving the burning of magazines?:rolleyes: