Should we have concern? *Caliber SRT4 content*

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Really? I was fairly certain I was saying that the badge doesn't matter! By all accounts the SRT4 is a fast little package, and stock for stock quicker in a straight line than the MS3 by a very slim margin. But yea, you're right, it's a trashy ugly car and everyone that buys them and mods them are losers and anyone that can't break into 11's with 400 WHP god they are just so damn stupid why would they even buy the damn car, what were they thinking.

What uselessly divisive, misinformed, stupid arguments you make. Please be to the shutting up about how crap everyone else's cars are just because you don't like their ride.
what does make me better than an SRT-4 owner
NOTHING makes YOU better than an SRT-4 owner, you ridiculous boob. You have a car you think is better than an SRT-4. Bravo! Here I am, clapping for you and your pimpin' great ride while you s*** on someone elses choice in vehicles. Congrats!
NOTHING makes YOU better than an SRT-4 owner, you ridiculous boob. You have a car you think is better than an SRT-4. Bravo! Here I am, clapping for you and your pimpin' great ride while you s*** on someone elses choice in vehicles. Congrats!

actually, i made the decision to buy a mazdaspeed3 because the caliber has a dangerous(read: deadly, literally) amount of understeer that could send me careening into a wall at 120MPH

i don't know about you, but that decision alone does make me a better person.
Really? I was fairly certain I was saying that the badge doesn't matter! By all accounts the SRT4 is a fast little package, and stock for stock quicker in a straight line than the MS3 by a very slim margin. But yea, you're right, it's a trashy ugly car and everyone that buys them and mods them are losers and anyone that can't break into 11's with 400 WHP god they are just so damn stupid why would they even buy the damn car, what were they thinking.

What uselessly divisive, misinformed, stupid arguments you make. Please be to the shutting up about how crap everyone else's cars are just because you don't like their ride.

Someone skipped that very clearly needed English class, that's unfortunate.

What stupid, trollish bulls*** you come up with because you clearly have a snake up your ass about something, I can make as many uselessly, misinformed arguments as I want. And that burns you the **** up because you feel the need to come and post "it doesn't matter! stop it!" like a little girl.
Haha, okay!

Well, uh, I bought an MS3 because the 911 I was looking at has a dangerous (read: deadly, literally) amount of oversteer that could send me careening into a wall at 120 mph. I don't know what that says about dumb Porsche drivers, but that decision alone does make me a better person!

So, what other vehicles are blacklisted as having all their owners being idiots? 80's IROC's, obviously. J-bodies, probably. 3rd and 4th gen Mustangs, yea, sure. Uh, anyone that buys an SUV, those things are just roll-prone.

Oddly enough, every review of the SRT4 I've read has it listed as having mild understeer, just like our car. And if you're worried about careening into a wall at 120 MPH because of understeer, maybe it's time you learn your braking points better instead of blaming the damn car for something you can control.

Jesus, this is the most elitistly stupid thread on these entire forums that I've read, and it's revolting. Most people on here are pretty friendly about cars in general without being badge-elitists, but you guys are being retarded.
actually, i made the decision to buy a mazdaspeed3 because the caliber has a dangerous(read: deadly, literally) amount of understeer that could send me careening into a wall at 120MPH

i don't know about you, but that decision alone does make me a better person.

funniest thing i have read all day!

this one is going into the quote...awesome!!!
I take issue with idiocy and misinformation, both of which you are having an absolute field day with. To be honest, you can sit there and think the little silver M on the front of your car makes you smarter and better than people who are just so plebian that they buy a domestic, and I even support your right to be an arrogant prick on the internet! But maybe you could try a little harder and be less misinformed and less elitist?
I take issue with idiocy and misinformation, both of which you are having an absolute field day with. To be honest, you can sit there and think the little silver M on the front of your car makes you smarter and better than people who are just so plebian that they buy a domestic, and I even support your right to be an arrogant prick on the internet! But maybe you could try a little harder and be less misinformed and less elitist?

Hey news flash dickhead, we had a 2003 Ford Taurus up until recently, and a Olds Bravada.

How misinformed are you?

We even own a Volvo, which IS FoMoCo.

It's not about it being domestic, but for the sake of argument, you think that's my primary reason, it's NOT, it's a POS all on it's own.
Someone needs to crown you king of information because you have it all right.
I take issue with idiocy and misinformation, both of which you are having an absolute field day with. To be honest, you can sit there and think the little silver M on the front of your car makes you smarter and better than people who are just so plebian that they buy a domestic, and I even support your right to be an arrogant prick on the internet! But maybe you could try a little harder and be less misinformed and less elitist?

boy you couldn't be more wrong, but of course you can't have too high of expectations from a canadian.
it's a POS all on it's own.
Right. Same 0-60 times and same 1/4 mile times as the MS3 give or take a 10th, and it's a POS. Gotcha. Please demonstrate how it is a POS in a manner that isn't entirely subjective.
boy you couldn't be more wrong, but of course you can't have too high of expectations from a canadian.
Your basis for judging yourself "better" than an SRT-4 owner was because of understeer, the same general handling characteristic our car has. You called it "dangerous" when people who have actually reviewed it describe it as:
It certainly has it's share of problems, like handling bumps poorly during cornering, and I'm not a fan of the psuedo-LSD, but calling it dangerous because it understeers "predictably" is just ignorant.

Ignorant sums up almost everything people have been bitching about in this thread. "It can't hook up at 400 WHP." Neither will the MS3 - Driver311 is already having serious traction issues at just over 300 WHP. "It understeers." So does our car if you overcook a corner. "It's ugly." Subjective, some people obviously like it. "The interior is crap!" Again, subjective/a product of the base vehicle it is built off, and not a measure of performance in any event. I don't think it's as good a package as the MS3 is, and that's why I didn't buy one, but you guys are being idiotic in suggesting that people who bought the SRT-4 are dumb. And it is even more idiotic to suggest that the car is a POS when stock for stock it is as fast as our car in a 1/4 mile.
Right. Same 0-60 times and same 1/4 mile times as the MS3 give or take a 10th, and it's a POS. Gotcha. Please demonstrate how it is a POS in a manner that isn't entirely subjective.Your basis for judging yourself "better" than an SRT-4 owner was because of understeer, the same general handling characteristic our car has. You called it "dangerous" when people who have actually reviewed it describe it as:
It certainly has it's share of problems, like handling bumps poorly during cornering, and I'm not a fan of the psuedo-LSD, but calling it dangerous because it understeers "predictably" is just ignorant.

Ignorant sums up almost everything people have been bitching about in this thread. "It can't hook up at 400 WHP." Neither will the MS3 - Driver311 is already having serious traction issues at just over 300 WHP. "It understeers." So does our car if you overcook a corner. "It's ugly." Subjective, some people obviously like it. "The interior is crap!" Again, subjective/a product of the base vehicle it is built off, and not a measure of performance in any event. I don't think it's as good a package as the MS3 is, and that's why I didn't buy one, but you guys are being idiotic in suggesting that people who bought the SRT-4 are dumb. And it is even more idiotic to suggest that the car is a POS when stock for stock it is as fast as our car in a 1/4 mile.


you said it better in one post then i managed to in numerous.

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