SEMA IAS - April 8-9 @ Philly


Mazda 6s
This year SEMA IAS will be held at the Fort Washingtown Expo Center just north of Philadelphia, PA. Last year was a good time seeing some new products and a bunch of cars. This year they added a non-judged category too, so you can have your ride in the show and not get judged if you don't want to. Here's the link for anyone interested in attending:

I know there are a ton of people in the area, so I hope to see some of you guys and girls there; I'm already registered and hope to see some other Mazdas there.
It sounds like the parking lots outside of the Fort Washington Expo Center will not close, so this will allow people to camp out there and have BBQs and such. I am finding out more about this, so I can see what I can bring, but sounds pretty cool if it is correct.

Also, when registering myself I found out by this Friday you can still get the discounted price of $50, after this Friday, I think it goes up to $75 (thought I try and save people some money).