Scuffed Front Wheel

Yesterday, I was doing a U-turn on our street, and misjudged the clearance of my frornt wheel and the curb. It rubbed for about 6" but only surface scrapping. Hard to see, kinda like a rough fingernail, and zero damage to the tire. I'm wondering if I can safely take my little orbital sander and a #120 grit pad, and gently buff it out a bit. I have the 18" alloy OEM wheels.
Ive seen a few articles on how to wheel repair online for just this sort of incident, ill try to find one and post it on here
post pictures when you complete it so we can see your handyork, i dont know if anyone wants to sticky this or move that link, but its been pretty helpful to me in the past... not saying i curbed my rim or anything
i did this on my speed6, on the stock rims. i used in orbiting sander with 120# grit. just do it CAREFULLY take your time lol. and if you can, take the tire off. id post pictures but dont have before and afters.
i did this on my speed6, on the stock rims. i used in orbiting sander with 120# grit. just do it CAREFULLY take your time lol. and if you can, take the tire off. id post pictures but dont have before and afters.

What kind of paint did you use, is it the same for the speed 3 rims cause I just curbed mine and want to try to fix it.
right now, i havent touched it up with any paint yet.

ima be powdercoating my rims bronze pretty soon, but the curbage is nice and smooth a lot less noticebale then was before